The End of A Beginning

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The TARDIS landed in the empty city. There appeared to be no one around them.

"The Games can't be helped." A voice told them.

"The Games will be stopped." Rory said, turning around, facing the one and only Samoset Noble.

Rory punched him, filled with the anger. He knew that the Hunger Games weren't right.

"This is wrong Noble!" The Doctor added.

"No, it's right! It's improvement, entertainment, it's the future of our world!"

"You're too blind to see. The world has ended! The Hunger Games ended it. You must see what's going on here. It's the apocalypse."

"NO! This our future. It's not the end, it's a new beginning."

"It's not. Its a fight to the death on live TV, what the hell is wrong with you."

"This is..." Then a gunshot, through Samoset's head.

"Damn you, Kail!", A voice screamed,"Aim for that Rory guy! Not the old dude and the chick."

"Get in the TARDIS, we have to get to the Capitol!" Amy ordered.

Samoset was gone, and they were one step closer to the end of The Hunger Games. The Doctor didn't have time to mourn for Clara. She was dead now.

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