The Tribute Parade

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The tribute parade was today. Rory and Amy were instructed to wear sunglasses with their outfits until the brightness died down and it was safe for the crowd to look. Clara had Ceaser Flickerman hold off the crowd as long as he could for the safety of the citizens. After about 5 minutes it was safe.

Since Amy and Rory ended up in the 12th district, they had a little time before they were released to the Capitol. They were the last of the districts. They heard spurs of excitement ahead of them as some of the other interesting costumes were shown. Within a minute or two it would be Amy and Rory's turn. When their chariot rolled into the crowd, the heard a wave of excitement travel through the crowd. A few covered their eyes, and lucky ones had sunglasses.

"That was absolutely amazing! Two tributes in flashy glowing clothing! Astonishing!" Ceaser said. He was amazed at the sight of the two bright people.

As the chariots came to an organized stop, the new president came to make his announcement.

After the parade, Clara, Amy, Rory, Effie, and Katniss all went back to the penthouse.

Amy and Rory were sitting on the couch.

"You were great today, Amy." Rory complimented.

"So were you. You were so cute!"

"I thought I had a stupid face."

"You still do, its just not the time to acknowledge it, stupid-face."

They laughed at Amy's ridiculous name for Rory. Amy gave him a little kiss. They spoke about other things. Eventually they spoke about training and their ratings.

"What are you gonna do for the ratings thingy?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, I don't really have any skills. Maybe I could throw a heavy thing or something. Nothing fancy."

"I was thinking of throwing a spear. I've always wanted to try it."

"I think you'd look sexy throwing a spear." They giggled and spoke some more.

Hey Fanpeeps! So sorry I haven't written a lot lately but I've got school and Instagram and a lot of other stuff but I promise I'll write whenever I can. Keep on reading! -G

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