Reaping Together

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A woman dressed in a bright, unnecessarily large dress stepped onto the stage. She stood in front of a glass bowl filled with pieces of paper.

"Welcome, welcome," She started,"To the reaping for the 98th Annual Hunger Games. Before we get started, we have a video all the way from the Capitol."

A projection began to play. It had to do with riots and uprisings and stuff like that. It turns out that the men dressed in white are called peacekeepers. And that the Hunger Games is a fight to the death.

"Well ladies first." The woman said.

"Stop!" Amy shouted. They all once again turned to her. "I don't belong here. I've...uh... Exceeded the age limit."

"Oh, darling, that video is just an old one from the 74th Games. The rules have changed since then."

"I'm not from this district!"

"What district are you from?"


"There's no such thing. Now please stop interrupting me. If I hear another word from you, then you will be this years tribute."


" What's your name?"

"Amelia Pond, but I'm not supposed to be here. I know this is gonna sound crazy..."

"Well, Amelia, congrats because you are this years female tribute. Come on up."

Amy felt a cold chill throughout her body.

"Amy!" Rory screamed, "No! I volunteer! I volunteer to be the male tribute."

"Oh, I believe we have a volunteer. What's your name?"


Rory walked up to the stage. He stood next to Amy.

"Go on you two, shake hands."

Rory gave Amy a huge hug. Amy gave Rory a kiss. She began to cry.

"Rory, are you crazy? Only one can win." Amy whispered to Rory.

"If I am gonna die, I'd prefer to die with you."

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