Release The Things

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Samoset Noble watch the second morning of The Hunger Games. The bloodbath near the cornucopia wasn't much. Five tributes died.

"When are we going to put out the things, Noble?" One asked.

"Tomorrow.", He responded,"I wanna get the audience on the edge of their seats quick."

"Samoset, you're gonna wanna see this." Another gamemaker called out.

He rushed over to see the commotion. When he got there, he saw rows of all different types of things.

"Are you sure we need this many? Are they even lethal?" Noble asked.

"Of course. We have those things you showed us, and these potato looking people. There's this weird contagious British kid with a freaky disease." He said.

Samoset kept staring at them all. They appeared unconscious.

"I've got an idea. How 'bout we unleash these in the arena... tomorrow." He suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Tomorrow, release the things."

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