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Hello! I'm trying to make my chapters longer, and a bit more exciting! Happy Reading! -G

Amy went to see Clara first. She stepped in the small confined room to see a beautifully dressed women with pink eyelashes, pink nails, and a pink dress. Her hair was sky blue with pink highlights. Her voice was comforting as she spoke.

"You're from district 12, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Amy said.

"So, what I'm going to do is come up with an outfit for you and you're friend to wear at the district parade. Your appearance has a huge on your survival. The more desirable you appear: the more sponsors you acquire." She explained.

"So what kind of outfit do you have in mind?"

'"Well for you I was thinking a pink dress," Amy was not surprised, "And for the male tribute, a sky blue tux. He'll have a nice bow tie."

This reminded Amy of The Doctor. He always had this odd attachment to bow ties.


"I know. It's sexy but formal. But that's not it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was thinking of including something to make you stand out from the crowd. I was having a lot of trouble trying to come up with that one missing aspect. So I went searching through a few of the old tribute parades. And I saw the most fantastic outfit ever! Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark of your district: District 12 were on fire!"

"Your not gonna set Rory and I on bloody fire!"

"No, i didn't want to set you on fire. It was just the glow. It inspired me. That was when i knew exactly how you're going to stand out in the parade. You and Riley..."


"Yeah, uh, you and Roy are going to glow."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Well, I found this type of paint. It's transparent and it glows like crazy. I'm going to put a few layers on your outfits. Hopefully, it won't blind the crowd."

They shared a laugh at that. They somehow talked about other things, and had an instant bod. Amy began to think about Rory. How Rory made a bond with Katniss. Amy wasn't a third wheel, she too had a bond with Katniss. But she hoped it wouldn't veer off to more than friends.

Clara explained the outfits to Rory. He liked the idea of wearing a blue tux, especially with a bow tie. It reminded him of the Doctor. Which reminded him of hope.

 PS sorry! It's unedited. I remember not capitalizing a few I's. Anyway, thanks for the amazing support. You are the reason I write. Thank you so bleeping much!  -G

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