Beauty of the Capitol

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Soon, they reached the Capitol. Rory and Katniss didn't speak about much else. Amy was staring out the window the whole time. She was actually a bit jealous of Rory and Katniss.

By the time they stopped, Amy had discovered the Capitol's beauty. It was very colorful, as were the people. Some of them were worse than Effie.

"Amy, come speak to our mentor."

Rory told her.

"Excuse me, uh..."


"Katniss, lovely name. What year is it?"

"I think they stopped keeping track by the 80th games. Sorry."

"It's no problem. Oh, I think we're here. They've increased the speed a lot since last year."

When the two got off, the crowd of citizens went crazy for them. Amy and Rory waved to them. They got louder and louder. Rory looked back at Katniss. Amy was even more annoyed with Rory. But she tried not to let it get to her. Soon they were being washed up for their stylists.

"We think you're ready for Clara, your stylist." One said to them.

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