Epilogue: The Ponds and The Doctor

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Amy was in her home sitting with Rory on the couch watching the television.

"What do you think the Doctor is doing right now?" Amy asked.

"Amy, I told you, we should try to lead normal lives. Really."

"I know you're right, but you don't at all miss him?"

"Of course, I do. It's just that there isn't a huge chance we will see him again. So it's not worth it to expect much and get nothing."

"Why are you being so negative?"

"I'm sorry, Amy. I just really miss that exciting life of traveling all over. Who else in the world gets that?"

"Well, we weren't the Doctor's only companion..."

"Yes! And doesn't that make you feel worthless?"

"No. It makes me feel special."

"Maybe, maybe we should see The Doctor."

Little did they know, The Doctor was on his way. He had one last thing he needed to give to the Ponds before he could part with them, truly for good.

The TARDIS breaks screeched the home of Amy and Rory, and they rushed to the back, the source of the sound.

The Doctor was there. He had a wrapped book in his hand, tied in ribbon, he said "I love you, Ponds... Stay safe. I almost lost you once." and was off with that. His new companion grabbed his hand, and like that they were off. He reared up for a moment. Never would he forget companions as special to him as the Ponds.

I decided to write an epilogue for the Ponds, and I plan to do one for Katniss! Enjoy to those still reading😄<3 Graham

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