Chapter 5

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Today was the day when (b/f) finally asked Sakurai on a date. You don't know why you were so excited, it wasn't even your date. Well it kinda was, but that doesn't matter.

You found (b/f) at the front of the building looking like she was gonna vomit at any moment. You didn't think she'd be THAT nervous.

You walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder. She seemed to relax knowing you were there to support her all the way.

You got to the spot where you told Aho to bring Sakurai too. You were about to turn the corner when you heard them talking.

'You know being nice to (y/n) really works I think she's starting not to hate me completely', it was Aho and you think he was talking to Sakurai.

'U-u-ummm, n-n-no problem I just don't want her to hate you cause I like (b/f), and you know I-I-it's not a good to have friends from both sides who hate each other', he replied.

Omg he's so adorable he really likes her which means he'll say yes. You pulled (b/f) around the corner and pushed her forward while taking Aho and going somewhere else. You did it all so fast you didn't even know where you were going.

~time skip~

You ended up on the roof of the school in no time. You weren't looking where you were going so the view surprised you. You sat down as quick as possible feeling your head staring to spin.

'Slow down princess. What happened?', you heard Aho ask you.

'Well I thought it might be time for (b/f) to stop being a pussy and ask the guy out on a date'

'I'm happy for them'

Aho sat next to you and  put his arm around your shoulder. Without thinking you put your head on his chest and relaxed. He was very comfortable. You could feel yourself falling asleep. You could hear his heart beat, and it was surprisingly fast.

You didn't care if he thought you liked him. His heart beat was beating like a metronome. A really fast one but it was still putting you to sleep.

Without realizing it you fell asleep on his chest and he sat there not moving, not wanting to wake you up. You both ended up skipping class due to this. If your parents found out they would be furious.

You woke up to the feel of something vibrating in your pocket. You looked at the 50 text messages that (b/f) sent you. Most of them were asking where the fuck you were but the last one was a confirmation on the date.

The guy really did like her.

You were about to shake Aho awake but you looked and his peaceful sleeping. His face was so gentle and adorable.

You knew it. You fell for him. Of course you did. You were gonna win the bet. What the fuck happened.

You gently shook his shoulder until he woke up.

'Dude guess what. Sakurai said yes to the I guess we're also going'

'That's nice'

He got up and helped you up too. He then took your hand and led you to the music room. You completely forgot that today was your day in this room. You walked to the rook you were in before and set up the (instrument/of/choice).

~time skip~

You were finishing school in a pretty good mood today. You did a test in history class. You felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. To be honest you actually kinda liked tests. You would never tell anyone but you did.

Lost in thought you were walking out of the school gates and heading home when Momoi stopped you.

'Tomorrow night, my house, sleepover'

Then she ran off to get on her bus. Guess you have plans for the weekend now. You were continuing to walk home when someone grabbed your hand. Looking to your right you saw Imayoshi.

'Uuumm, hey, I don't know how to say this...but would you like to go out for some bowling with me sometime?'

'Like a date'

'Uuuhhh, like bowling'

'Okay sure why not are you okay with going outs free school in Monday'

'Yep sounds good'

He gave you a quick hug and ran away. He smelled really nice. Like cinnamon and fabric softener. Yes it's weird but he really did smell good.

~time skip~

You got home and sat down on the (favorite/coulour) bean bag chair in your room. You put in some earbuds and let the music flow into your ears.

It was (name of song), you haven't heard that one in a while. You listened to every word of the song and when it ended you decided to just go downstairs to get yourself a bowl of cereal. When you got to the kitchen you made yourself a bowl of Cheerios and you went back up to do some homework.

When you got up to your room you walked ivied to the table and got out your books and just sat there until you fell asleep.

I'm so sorry about the short chapter and the wait between the chapters. This chapter wasn't really eventful and I'm really sorry.

I promise the next chapter will be longer and  more interesting. Also I'll be trying to update every day or every other day because I'm on a two week break from school


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