Chapter 2

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It was the end of the day and you were going to go meet (b/f). You hurried to go find her knowing she had history last. You found her classroom and waited outside, but she didn't come out.

As you were standing outside you saw a sign that said that whoever wants to use the practice rooms for music has to sign their name.

You thought why not you haven't played the (instrument of choice) in a while. You quickly signed your name and put your phone number down so that you could get a text when the rooms were being assigned.

Suddenly there was a gentle tap on your shoulder. You turned around and you saw a boy your age. You didn't know his name but you were pretty sure he was one of Ahomine's friends.

'If you're looking for (b/f), she's in the gymnasium watching the basketball practice', he said shyly.

'Thanks', you said.

As you both walked towards the gymnasium you were both quiet. This kid was adorable, he must be the guy (b/f) likes. You could see them together, and honestly it would be so cute.

You were lost in thought and you realized you were at the gym. It was a pretty big gym. You noticed a bunch of boys doing basketball drills.

The boy pointed towards where Momoi and (b/f) were sitting and went to go join the rest of the guys who were practicing.

You jogged over to the bench where the girls were and they were sitting in a way that Momoi could see you but (b/f) couldn't. You quietly tippy toed to where they were sitting and put your finger to your mouth to signal Momoi to be quiet.

You were almost there, until a pair of hands grabbed you and picked you up.

Apparently it wasn't going to be (b/f) who screams today. You screamed for a second.

You were being held over someone's shoulder. You tried figuring out who it was and when you saw the tanned arm you knew exactly who it was.

'Let me go', you whined while hitting his back, but it didn't seem to do any damage to him.

You heard Momoi stand up.

'Are you finally going to be at practice?, she asked. You could hear the smile on her face, especially cause you couldn't see a single fucking thing thanks to his hoeness.

'No', he said with a smirk,'I just came to get her', he said referring to me.

He turned around and started walking out of the gym.

He only let go of you when you got to the roof of the school. This wasn't the best place for you cause you were afraid of heights.

The boy with navy blue hair sat down and leaned on the wall.

You say down right next to him. Although you didn't want to you were trying to get as close as possible to the center of the roof. Unfortunately he was the very center.

You were sitting cross legged pretty much leaning on him.

'Why are you here?', you asked.

'What do you mean?', he replied.

'Well why aren't you at practice?

'Cause I'm amazing what's the point', he laughed. There was almost a hint of sadness in that laugh. 'The only one who can beat me is me'.

'Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?', you laughed, 'who cares the gym is huge and it looks so fun'.

You were kinda jealous of him cause you weren't able to play a sport. Your parent wouldn't let you play lacrosse because it was a guys' sport.

'Well you know what else is huge', he said smirking. He put his hand around your waist and was pretty much right in your face.

'Ya, your big ego', you said pushing him away.

Although you were a bit uncomfortable you were still blushing. Unfortunately for you, you had a dirty mind and you knew exactly what he was talking about. That made you wonder how big really is it?

'Omg, I did not just think that', you whisper yelled at yourself.

You didn't think he would hear but he did and very clearly.

'Is it that easy to make you think those kind of things', he said with fake empathy.

Oh shit he found out.

'How about we play a little game', you heard him say. 'If I can get you to admit you like me by the end of the term I win, if I can't you win'.

You liked these rules. You were totally not going to like this douchebag.

'But what do I get if I win?', you ask, while shaking his hand. Signaling that the game is on.

'Look who's so sure they're gonna win', he said mockingly.

You stood up and you looked around for the place from which you got on to the roof.

You found the door and you stepped over Ahomine's legs to get there. You twisted the nob and found the steps that led down to the first floor. As you were about to leave you heard him say...

'Nice panties, by the way'.

'You're such a perv', you said trying to leave as fast as possible.

You walked down as fast as possible in a skirt (uniform). You got to the gym and you walked in about to get your best friend but you saw how much she was enjoying herself (more like enjoying the view of the basketball team). You decided not to bother  her and just sent her a text you were going home and that you were going to leave.

So did you like the second chapter cause I hope you did. Have a good rest of the day :3

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