Chapter 3

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It was the first day of the game you and Ahomine decided to play. Of course you were gonna win.

You got to school and walked to your first class for the day which was unfortunately P.E. Although you loved sports it's not what you wanted to do first thing in the morning. You went to the change room and found (b/f) there, you completely forgot she had P.E. with you.

She ran to give you a hug cause she knows her hugs make you feel better in the morning, whene all hope for humanity is lost and you have to wake up early for school. When you and (b/f) finished changing you walked out of the change room not wanting to be with all the popular girls who chose P.E. because it was an easy credit.

You sat on the gymnasium floor and waited another five minutes. Ahomine sat right next to you but you didn't realize that until he poked your side.

"Stop it (b/f)", you whined.

"That's not my name princess", was all you heard before turning around and seeing those big blue eyes staring into your soul. You were about to yell until he put his hand over your mouth.

Your heartbeat slowed down and you turned to look the other way as to give him the silent treatment. After that he stopped paying attention to you because SHE walked out of the change room. The girl who always made your life horrible in middle school.

(Female/name) and her "squad" walked out of the change room looking fabulous, not. They weren't dressed for P.E. They were dressed to go to a party with cleavage showing like there's no tomorrow.

You looked at Aomine and he was looking right at her. You didn't feel angry because he was LOOKING at her, you were a bra because he was looking at HER.

Unfortunately he saw the look on your face and he looked back at you.

"(Y/n) are you jealous?"

"In your dreams ass hole"

You heard the whistle which ended your conversation. The P.E. teacher gave out instructions to find a partner and do some exercises before the next activity.

(B/f) was looking at Sakurai, that bit she liked. As she was walking in his direction so was Ahomine. You ran towards Aomine as fast as you could and grabbed his hand. He didn't expect this so he almost fell on top of you when you pulled him away from the other two.

'Am I that irresistible', he said while you were pulling him to the side.

'No I just want them to be partners', you replied pointing at the other pair who were now doing jumping jacks.

You had an idea, but you would need Ahomine's help for it.

'Although I want nothing to do with you, I need your help for something important', you started, 'I want (b/f) to be happy so I need those two to go on a date'.

'And you need MY help for that?'

'Ya, sorry'


'But please come on'

'I don't know, what do I get from this?'

' get to make you friend happy'

Just then (f/n) came up to you two and put her hand on Ahomine's shoulder. She was literally hanging on to his shirt.

You would never say it out loud but you were jealous of her. She had beautiful, glossy, natural red hair, and really bright green eyes. She was also really tall with long legs and a nice figure. You new you weren't going to ever look like her. You knew everyone is beautiful and all that shit but seriously she made it look easy.

You didn't know what they were talking about but you couldn't care less so you walked off. You walked into the change room while the teacher was distracted, got changed and walked out of the second exit which no one ever used.

In your uniform now, you got to the roof and sat there. The wind was blowing your (hair/color) hair and you just relaxed.

~time skip~

You looked at your phone which just vibrated in your pocket. You looked at the notification on your phone. You remembered that you put a reminder for yourself to go to the music room because today was your day to have the music room.

Luckily the school had (instrument of choice) so you got to borrow the schools for practice and you didn't need to bring your own. As you were headed to the music block at your school you passed the music office. You ticked your name off on the list of people who used the practice room that day.

'(Y/n), I'm glad you came', said the music teacher, 'Your partner is already in the room you'll be using so you can go ahead to C14'

You didn't know you'd be with a partner, but hey if your with someone you might make a new friend or learn some new things. You looked around and found the right room. You heard the sound of (instrument of choice) come from the room, and the sound of someone's voice. It was amazing it was one of the best things you have ever heard. You listened for a bit longer and recognized the song it was (insert favorite song). You couldn't wait to see who your partner was.

You opened the door without a sound to not disrupt the person. You looked at who it was and you couldn't believe your eyes. It was HIM.

He was facing the other way looking at the music stand in front if him with the lyrics and notes on it. You brought out your phone and started recording.

This was gold.

You stood there recording him for about a minute without him noticing you got so into the song you started to sing yourself. As soon as he heard you he stopped playing. He looked at you and saw your phone in your hand. You quickly pressed the button which stopped the recording and stuffed your phone back into your pocket.

'You were not just recording me play that', he said with a look of shock.

You were trying to be serious but you couldn't hold in a smile, which ended up with you looking kinda awkward.

'You sounded so good I have to show this to everyone', you said. You were bluffing but he didn't know that.

'Please don't do it', he pleaded.

'Ha, you wish', you smirked knowing you had him.

'I'll do anything'


'No...ugh. You know what I mean'

'Well let's see what I can do about that. For now it'll be our little secret', you replied.

'I'll keep this video a secret as long as you help me with what I asked you to help me with earlier'

'You can't do that, that's called blackmailing', he complained.

'Oh well'

You sat down next to him on a depot ate chair and started playing (I/o/c).

'Okay fine I'll help', he said with s sigh.

You celebrated in the inside knowing your plan was awesome. You couldn't let him see that you were desperate for his help.

'Well I'll need you to go on a date...'

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that. I'm sorry for not updating for so long I had an exam and some projects and I just had a busy time. I'll try to update more often.

Sorry to leave it on a cliff hanger(sorta)

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