"Do I look okay?" I whispered to him. Niall nodded and reached forward to fix the jacket for me. I smiled and him and kissed his sweet cheeks. That made a few people comment on how cute we are as well as Niall let out a soft giggle.

I got over to the chair I was supposed to sit on and just naturally sat with my legs open and the jacket open wide enough to show my abs off. The cameras that were in the room started going off and I started getting ordered by Patrick about what to do. The jacket was forgotten and I was soon lounging on the couch looking like I had probably just had sex, considering someone sprayed me with a water bottle.

"Those are great. Go change into the white t-shirt and the white briefs now. We want you on the bed for that one." Patrick said. I got the jacket and wrapped it around the front of me. I walked towards Niall and saw that familiar look his gets some times. His cheeks were flushed and his fingers were fidgeting with his loose jeans as a distraction from the actual situation. I grabbed him by the hand as I walked past him and pulled him behind the changing screen.

"You like watching that, babe?" I asked him. He nodded as a smile grew on his face. I pulled him into my arms and begin to kiss him as much as I could without getting myself turned on.

"I love watching you do anything. I especially love watching you do dishes and cook dinner. And the laundry? That's a winner." Niall breathed out when we both pulled back for air. I laughed and just hugged my husband because he's amazing. Niall laughed too and kissed my bare chest a couple times. I changed in front of Niall, him commenting on my lack of arse for the majority of the time. He also grabbed it for fun which made me take another three minutes to kiss him.

The knowing looks we both got when we walked out from behind that screen made us both break out laughing. I think at this point in our marriage, there's no place that's off limits for a nice snog or to touch each other. We've been in love for ten years now, people can get over what they see. I went over to where I was supposed to be and just stood by the bed waiting for instructions.

"Rip your shirt." Patrick told me. I noticed Niall walking closer to where all the camera crew was. He looked through a camera and smiled at me. I looked right at him and bit my lip the way I know he likes it. The cameras started going off the second I did that. I then reached up the the collar of the shirt and pulled it so it would begin to rip down the middle. Niall moved to look at me through a camera that wasn't being used by anyone and I saw him reach up and snap a few shots. He kept doing that while I ripped the shirt right down the middle and looked down at myself after.

"That's all perfect. We'll look at the pictures we got while you do the interview part with Patrick." Some lady told me as she handed me a silk robe. I took off the ripped shirt and slipped on the robe to cover myself up. I went back over to the couch and sat on it while Niall went with the photographers to look at the pictures they took. Patrick set up a voice recorder and got his notepad ready to write some stuff down.

"So, I'll start off with some personal questions then into some boxing questions at the end. If you don't want to answer the question, just tell me and we'll edit it out before it hits the press. Alright, here we go. We all have been watching you, your love life and your family grow since you started fighting; how do you truly feel about that?" Patrick asked me. I looked at the wedding ring on my finger and let out a sigh.

"It always think I get used to it, but something new comes along and it makes it hard all over again. I don't mind when it's about how much I love my husband and two boys, but when it's about fake stuff like a divorce or a cheating thing, then I really hate it. I guess that's just what comes with the job. Honestly, if that's the worst thing, then I can't really say it's a big problem." I said, mostly lying. I hate the publicity, but I know that of I say that, then it will make me look ungrateful for all that the people that support me have done for me and my family.

"You and Niall have two boys. Are we going to see a little girl any time soon?" He asked. I laughed because that was the moment Niall decided to walk back into the room he blushed and walked right back the way he came from.

"If the world was a perfect place, then we would probably try, but doctors advised us both that it would be a health risk if we did. Ezra and Ethan are both enough trouble as it is, I can't imagine a third Malik ruling my house." I laughed out, but that biological part of my body told me that I really wanted one more baby. But, I really wanted my Niall around for another hundred years and if that would be a risk to that, then I'll shut that thought down. I got asked a few more questions about me and Niall's relationship and how the boys are doing. I also got asked if they were going to box as well, which then moved in to questions about boxing. Niall came back in the room and stood off to the side

"You still have the world title. Is there any other fights coming up you'll be doing to give someone a chance at it?" Patrick asked. I shrugged and begin to play with my fingers.

"I haven't really thought about it. As of right now, I'm watching every boxer and seeing who is going to be on top for me to fight. I like a challenge." I answered cooly. Part of me wanted to say I wished I could fight but my family needs me alive so I'm not allowed to because my husband said so. I knew that would be childish so I put fake Zayn forward to answer for me.

"Who would you want to see in the ring together? Would you fight winners?" He asked. Immediately, the tattoo that I had gotten a few years back begin to itch. Harry and I both got small boxing gloves tattooed on our arms with the date we fought and the first letter of each other's names. It started itching because I knew now was the chance I had to help Harry make his dream come true. I didn't want to help him get in the ring with Payne, but I wanted him to feel his career isn't stuck.

"I would love to see Harry Styles in the ring with Liam Payne. Harry is an amazing fighter and had some hard hits on him, I would know. I think that he would be the one to add some challenge in Liam Payne's streak." I said. The second I said Liam's name, I could feel the tension that came from Niall. The interviewer, on the other hand, lit up like it was Christmas or something.

"Since you brought up his name, are you ever going to get back in the ring with Liam Payne?" He asked. Niall started to walk towards us like he was about to answer for me, so I just shrugged again and gave Niall a look that begged him to trust me on this.

"Who knows what the future holds... Thank you for your time today and everything. I can't wait on see how this comes out." I said and got up to shake his hand. He thanked me then let me go change back into the I wore to come here. I heard Niall talking about the boys the Patrick as I changed then stopped talking when I walked out.

Niall and I continued on with the rest of our day, which involved shopping for some new clothes for the boys, looking into some tuxedo places to get us all fitted for Harry and Louis' wedding and eating lunch. The one thing that never came up in our conversations was one name I knew Niall was afraid of saying.

A/N: update!!!! I recently got a stereo with a turntable! It's so cool! What is one thing you want to know about your future?!?!?!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now