Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

Just then, curiosity jumped over him about what his uncles were talking about downstairs and so he focused on his surroundings and used his sharp hearing to listen to their conversation downstairs.

"…What the hell are you thinking Jayden?!" Trent said.

"Look, I'm going to be selfish this time Trent! Ara is out there in the hospital, still unconscious because of all these meteor freak stuff! And I wouldn't let her life be in danger again just because of your so-called nephew!" Jayden said.

"Are you blaming Luke for all of what's happened!?"


Then tears started to flow out from his blue eyes. He knew that his uncle Jayden was right. It was technically his fault.

"And please Trent! He's not really your nephew! The two of you aren't related by blood!" Jayden added.

"Jayden, enough!" Julian chimed in. "It's not Luke's fault!"

"Julian's right, Jayden. It's not the kid's fault why your girlfriends were---." Zach said but he was cut off by William.

"I think Jayden has a point." William said.

"See?! Even Will agrees. Julian, are you going to wait for the moment that Emmarie will be in the same position as Ara?! Lying on a hospital bed, struggling for her life?!" Jayden said, his voice raising.

"Jayden, you don't understand! He's just a kid! He can't survive in an instituition!" Trent defended. "And no matter what you say, he's my nephew! He's my family!"

"Ah grow up Trent! Let's face it! He's not like any normal kid out there!"

"No, you're the one who should grow up Jayden!"

"Will you guys stop this!?" Zach said.

Luke sighed through his tears and then he stopped listening to their conversation. His uncle Jayden wants to send him into an instituition and William agrees to it. Two of his uncles want him out of the house.

He looked out of the window. Then he went to Trent's table and got a paper and pen and started writing.



"Let's be honest here Trent. He is not a human like us!" Jayden said.

Trent ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Jesus Christ Jayden! He IS a human. He is part-human, remember?! His mother is a human!" He defended.

Just then, they all heard a thud coming upstairs.

"Luke." Trent muttered then they all rushed upstairs, into his room and found no one in there.

"Trent, I think you need to see this." Zach said as he handed him the paper that was placed on his desk before.

The letter says:

Uncle Trent,

First and foremost, I would just like to thank you and Uncle Will, Uncle Jayden, Uncle Zach, and Uncle Julian for welcoming me into your home with such love and warmth. I would be forever grateful for what you guys have done for me...

I heard what you guys were talking about and Uncle Jayden's right. It's all my fault. I am the one to blame. You guys were fighting because of me and I am not happy with that. I don't want The Collective to break up just because of a meteor freak kid who did nothing but to depend on other people.

I'm sorry if I left without seeing you all personally. It just makes me feel so guilty about me being a Plutonian.

Believe me, I love you all so much and I thank all of you for treating me like family.


"And the windows are open, Trent." Julian said. "I think he just went out through your window." Trent walked off. He went to his car in the garage downstairs and drove off even though he had no idea where to search for Luke.


Luke ran like a speed of a bullet while his tears were flowing out of his eyes. "If I just don't have this powers! I wish I was just a normal kid!" He shouted when he came onto a stop nearby a lake.

"Your wish is my command." A woman said. She was wearing a red winter coat.

"Who are you?" Luke asked.

"It doesn't matter my dear." She said and then she put something in his top's breast pocket and instantly, he felt different. His eyelids started to droop. He felt as if a part of him was put into a deep sleep.

"Everything will be alright." The girl sang and then everything went black in Luke's vision.


Hey guys! I had a massive writer's block for this fanfic ages ago and also, I was sick during the holidays so I didn't have the chance to update this fanfic.

By the way, I might stop doing fanfics next year because I'll be in Year 10 next year which means more school work. And also, no one is really commenting on my two ongoing fanfics so... Yeah.


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