Chapter Six: The Beginning of the Hunt

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The Epirus Bow is one of the most dangerous weapons forged.

Who would have fought that Zeus would have encased it in stone, that wasn't even two miles off from my home? He had done it two times to make sure that no one could wield it, and now I was holding it in my grasp.

The Fates gave me the bow; the weapon carved from the divine Epirus tree itself, it was divine in both nature and power.

But I had no idea how they expected me to walk around modern-day life with a bow strapped to my back- I'd deal with that later.

Holding it out in front of me, I couldn't stop staring at its beauty. It was flawless craftsmanship. The heavenly golden glow of it captivated me as the power pulsed through it, warming my hands.

I held it so tight that the only way it could be taken from me is if something hacked off my hand by the wrist.

When I finally got home, no one was hanging around. I guessed that they were all working, and the kids were at school but I wasn't crestfallen by that.

Cora was in her element. Pottering around in the kitchen with her hands on a new recipe, I don't know why she liked cooking so much but as long as she was satisfied, then we were too.

An unhappy grandmother, is an unhappy existence.

"You conceal it in your armlet."

My heart jumped in my chest at the eerie childlike voice that echoed in my room, "I'm leaving tonight. How am I meant to find them?" I demanded, skipping over the pleasantries because there wasn't any time for it.

Lachesis sat in ghost like form on the end of Penelope's bed with her hands folded on her lap, "We've gifted you with an enchanted armlet. Each time you come close to a Scion; it will glow warmer. The Epirus must wield it with good intentions, or Athena will personally punish you." She informed me.

"How am I meant to conceal it?" I asked shaking my head at the mass size of it, and Lachesis waved a small hand towards the armlet encasing my arm, "Press it against the armlet." She simply shrugged at me and I lifted it meekly without question, I pressed the metal against the enchanted golden bow.

Marvel travelled through me like shockwaves as I watched the Bow be siphoned into the armlet, like it was made of nothing but energy, "You can thank Hermes for that, he needs somewhere to place his weapons when he travels." Lachesis nodded in satisfaction and I stared at her in amazement.

"You look very young, I never expected that." I admitted whilst folding my clothes into my duffle bag as tightly as I could, "What did you expect?" Lachesis asked in her musical voice that gave me the shivers,

"Three old hags." I blurted shamelessly, what did other people imagine?

Lachesis' interest in my thoughts was fleeting as her eyes slipped shut and she became extremely still, "You should move as quickly as you can. This is the last time I will be interfering with your quest, from here on out you will be alone but know this, you will not be the only one hunting the Scions." There was a note of warning in her tone that made me pause.

"Who exactly am I racing against?" I asked after a moment's thought because my memory was hazy.

"Scion blood is being harvested, Alexa. The children of the Gods have blood in their veins that is handed down from their parent. Are you aware of what kind of power that is? It has the potential to unleash the Titans. Chaos will destroy mankind as the war is reborn."

Just that very thought alone scared me beyond words. My heart skipped a beat as the breath in my lungs paused from the horror that chorused through me, all whilst the little Fate left me with a hundred more questions.

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