Chapter Two: The Harmonious Life

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Those three faces seemed to haunt me.

Young enough to be no older than thirteen but in our woods alone, they were so beautiful that you'd have to be a complete and utter fool to let them wade into the camouflage given by the tall trees that caved you in from every angle. 

But maybe the fact that they weren't human should give me comfort concerning their safety.

But now it made me worry for my people.

We pride ourselves on being able to protect our own land from trespassers, there's so much of it that we have fences all over the place as well as houses. And three girls managed to slip past everyone? It was hard to believe that I was the only one who saw them. 

I blinked and they were gone. Not even a second had passed and they were out of the way, out of sight. Like a trio of wraiths that could move among us at such an ease that maybe it was just my imagination.

Too much cherry ale I suppose.

Part of me wanted to wade into the depths of the woods after them, something drew me towards the wide doe eyed girls that was stronger than I had felt before: Maybe it was the thought of them being hurt? 

Just the thought of innocent blood spilled made me want to crawl out of my skin, most people are surprised by protective side. I don't know where it comes from...maybe it makes up from the other emotions I'm lacking in.

Sometimes the hardest thing in my life to conquer is my own emotions, for as long as I can remember they have fought in my mind like an ongoing war. What I feel and what I want to feel do not agree. 

It all started after my own Blood Journey, something happened to me in those woods, something I hope to never relieve again. But if it did, I knew that I would be able to survive it.

After so many years of doing something, it can almost come naturally.

I didn't learn this through experience but from observation, when I was younger everything I done felt more like a chore than anything. 

I use to hate walking through the woods and doing the shopping trips into the small town we lived a few miles from, I wondered if other families had to do the same.

Some did, others didn't.

My family worship the Greek Gods because we are from their bloodline, Amazons. 

Ares gave our people life decades before we even realized, over time we moved from land to land. Some of us still live in the Amazon jungle but mostly we reached for civilization after being cleared of our duty to protect mankind.

Our war was over, now we waited and prepared for the next.

Our place in the human world is carefully kept under the radar, we have tempers that can cause wars among ourselves and anything else with a heartbeat. 

We know our fatal flaw and because of it we do what we can to isolate ourselves, from everyone and everything who comes prying. But it's hardly like I'm missing anything, I went to high school like the rest of my sisters.

And like them I graduated. Education is important to us, we believe that women should be intelligent because who can plan a battle when all we know is how to sew and stitch? But since we grow in such large numbers, we have to find land between various towns so that we have a selection of schools to choose from to appear to be normal.

Sometimes that can be the largest challenge of them all: Achieving the impression of normality. Humans are different in every way compared to us, they're slower and weaker...they can easily avoid temperamental problems compared to us. It made me wonder what it felt to be an inferior being.

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