When I reach the back of the boat I see Melanie backing away from the cabin on the bottom floor, pushing through the crowd I see her staring into the room "Melanie what the fuck are you screaming at?" I yell at her she glares at me then looks back at the door "there was a big dog in there he had big teeth and red eyes" she whispers I look at her confused, I then realise what she's on about I walk to the door, when an arm wraps around my forearm "Lexi if there is something in there I'm not having you go in there it's not safe" Jacob exclaims I turn to look at him and smile "it's cute that you care and I know there something like that in there" he looks at me confused, pulling my arm from his grip he takes a few steps back.

I walk to Melanie and stand in front of her I then yell "D, get your but out of here" a few people look at me confused I just smile, looking at the door again Demon walks out in all his glory with his head held high and looking proud.

Crossing my arms over my chest and tapping my foot he looks my way and walks over to me, looking down at him I couldn't help but sigh "how the bloody hell did you get on my boat, your meant to be with my father" I groan throwing my arms in the air.

Someone clears there throat from behind me, I turn around and look at the principle "Miss Rodriguez why do you have a wolf stood next to you?" he says warily "this is Demon I got him for my 14th he's four, my father's friend accidently killed his mother in a hunting trip when he was a few weeks old ever since then I've looked after him he hates people no one can go near him except me he was meant to be at home with my father but he always finds a way to get out, it doesn't help that I trained him to do that" I explain "just don't touch him and you'll be fine" I tell everyone they all nod there head I turn and walk back to the front of the boat with Demon.

Jacob, Sam and Lucy join me at the front I smile at them.

God knows how long past but we reached the aquarium, everyone got off and walked inside to the front doors, we walked inside and aunt Sophia took us into a room where she explained the rules.

We began our tour walking round the aquarium, in the public section looking at all the animals; there were turtle's shark's sting-ray octopus' seals dolphin's killer whales fish allsorts. It was amazing.

She guided us to the private section where all the new comers come so they can be checked over for any problems "right this is the new arrival unit it is where all new animals from the sea are brought and are checked over and some placed in tanks others will be put I rehab until they are well enough to leave" she showed us round the pools everyone walked on the edge so we could see the animals, "right this last one was are newest arrival he came at the beginning of the week he is very feisty and no one can get near him, he was brought here because he was attacked by a shark most of his wounds are healed but there is one that will scar him for life this is scar the dolphin".

We all walked to his pool the closer I got the more I could hear him he sounded stressed and upset.

I reached the pool to see two men in the pool trying to restrain him and he was fighting against them, anger started to boil up in me but I had to stay calm for his sake "why are they doing that to him?" a girl asks "they need a blood sample but they can't get it from him so they are having to restrain him, he's one of the most dangerous ones we've had he almost killed a vet yesterday " I take a breath and walk to the edge of the pool, everyone looks at me the principle yells "come away from the pool that is a very dangerous animal" I look at him and roll my eyes turning back to the pool I look at them.

I walk over to the box that's placed with medical things and grab a needle to remove blood with, walking back to the edge of the pool ignoring the teachers yelling I yell at the men in the water "hey let him go" they look at me for a second then at my aunt she just nods, hey release him and swim to the side of the tank getting out, I pass the needle to my aunt then remove my clothes, standing in a bikini I dive into the water still ignoring the protests of the principle.

Resurfacing I whistle for scar and he pops up in front, stroking him I swim back to the side and grab the needle off of my aunt swimming back to scar I get him to lift his tail out the water, I swim to his tail and place the needle in withdrawing the blood.

After I swim back to the pool ledge and climb out passing the blood to my aunt I smile and walk back to the side, everyone looks at me I just laugh " I came here when he arrived I'm the only one who can get near him".

With that said we all waked back into the room where we came first and collected our things before heading off to the water park.

*4 hours later*

Were all climbing onto the bus heading back to school, I'm tired from all the fun at the water park.

Reaching school, I say goodbye to my friends and head home for a bath and bed.

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