Chapter one~ School of... monsters?!

Start from the beginning

"It's like friggin' 7 in the friggin' morning! What the hell are you guys doin' so friggin' early?!"I yelled at them. I. Could. Have. Died.....Kidding, that's such a melodramatic thing that I don't really go for.

"Sorry! We were just-"They were cut off. "Cuz! Where do you think you're going with that hair?" My ever-so-ridiculously-obsessed-with-fashion cousin, Coco asked. I shrugged "School?" I didn't think I looked that bad.

"Guess I have no choice" She placed her three middle fingers on her forehead dramatically. "Come to my room"

"But I'm gonna be late!"

"No buts!"

"Rin, Noelle save me!" I stretched my hand out to them "No thanks" They both said. Seriously?! "Wow, feeling the love guys" I said sarcastically.

"Enough! I can't do my magic with you 3 fooling around!" Yes, Coco's powers have something to do with fashion, surprise, surprise(note sarcasm)

Coco quickly straightened my mess of a hair and added the hair product, morning dew on it to make it look silky. "You really need to take care of your hair more, cuz" She said disapprovingly once she was finished.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Can I go now?"

I asked impatiently while crossing my arms over my chest. Her phone rang just then "Oh my gosh! It's Brent!!!" And that was the story of how I was forgotten.

Brent was like her... I don't know, 19th boyfriend since she turned 14.

She's now 18 years old. Coco was definitely pretty, straight, waist-length, dirty blond hair and ocean-blue eyes. What kind of guy wouldn't fall for her?

Unconsciously, I looked at my wristwatch. Oh. My. Gods. Wait, why did I say 'gods' It's not like I worship any god or goddess for that matter. Wow, I sounded like an idiot back there. And I really should stop ranting to myself and start going to school since standing here just makes me look like a fool... I really should get going now...

"Well, bye" I said as I dashed to the living room, took my bag and hurriedly passed the kitchen "Hey! Wait!" The chef, Erika yelled as she grabbed my arm. "What about breakfast?" She asked tilting her head towards the kitchen.

"No time!" I said panickedly. "At least bring this" She handed me a jug of water and my blood tablets.

By the way I'm uh, I think 1/4 vampire or something like that...

"Thanks!" I made a mad dash to the limo, knowing I was gonna be late either way. "You a rush, young lady" Joseph observed.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, Joseph" He chuckled. Then we made our way to the school.


When we arrived I noticed a few people were waiting for me. Luka, Kaine, and Adrian were with some of the people there.

The three of them were part of the Arcana family. Luka had light brown, almost blond, wavy, long hair and apple green eyes. Kaine and Adrian looked like they could be twins except Kaine is taller and had reddish-brown hair, while Adrian has blond hair, both of them have green eyes.

"Yo, princess!" Adrian greeted."Good morning" Luka said and Kaine simply nodded at me.

I know Kaine had a crush on Luka for a long time. Ever since we were kids but Luka was already in love with my older cousin since then.

The 4 of us walked to the front gates, Adrian flirting continously with me and Luka the whole way.

"Guys!!! The 5 of us are classmates!!!" Hana screamed suddenly appearing before us. I think my eardrums exploded for a second there even the others were down, clutching their heads.

Someone hit her on the head "Keep it down!" Nedrana whisper-yelled at her. "Good morning, sis" She smiled brightly at me.

"Attention please, All East and North building students come to the auditorium. Thank you" The speakers boomed.

The north and east wing building were all for the monsters or something like that so I guess this meeting will be about the balance of the school's peace and friendship program.

Most of the students were already on their way."Hey, Nae leggo!" Ned pulled on my arm. Oh yeah..."Where's bro?"

"Oh yeah, uh he told me to go ahead"

That idiot...probably got lost on his way here...


"You all must already know that this is a school for both humans and monsters. Correct?" Dad started, then he started talking about how we should learn how to co-exist with humans and of course the rules.

Rule no. 1: You must never reveal your true identity to a human

Rule no. 2: Don't eat the humans

Rule no. 3: Do not harm them

"Those who don't follow the rules will be punished by the disciplinary committee" Then my father gestured to me. "Our disciplinary committee's president is Naereshcka Arcana and she will be taking care of you for the school year." I put on a poker face.

"Welcome to Cross of humans and...monsters!!!"


Author's note

Big shout out to Thearose5678! Hey sis! How's life?

Sorry for the slow update! Love you guys! Bye!!!

Question: Why is v so close to the space, why is n so close to m and why is i so close to o?! (Common author problems -_-*)

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