Good or bad

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Alexander's fight went well too. He was teasing and playing with his opponent, being cocky and mocking him, but he easily won. I hated the fact that he was so confident, even if he was an incredible boxer.

The day flew by, and the competition ended up really well. I was now waiting for dad next to the car as he was talking with Alaric in front of the gym. I was feeling nauseous as I was looking it him, nervousness taking over me. I had to tell him about mom and her affair.
I could feel my hands shaking and my instinct was telling me to run away, I was inches away from a mental breakdown because I was thinking too much.
She was the one cheating and yet I was the only one feeling dead nervous and guilty toward my father.

Images came back in flashes in my head, I could see my mother screwing with her boss, moaning and screaming on top of her desk. All this thoughts were making me shiver and I couldn't repressed it. I was feeling lonely, like no one could ever understand what I was going through right now. I was so hurt and sorry for the man only man left in my life, but I owned him the truth, it was the least I could do.
I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't heard Jeremy coming next to me.

- Hey! What's going on in that pretty little head of yours? He asked casual leaning against the car.

- Way too much things, I answered truthfully.

- Want to talk about it? He asked kindly.

- It not really the kind of things I want to share for the moment, I said trying not to sound rude.

- As you want! He said. If you ever need to, I'm here, don't forget that.

After a split second of reflection, I decided that getting a little advice over the situation would be welcomed. I knew I couldn't tell the story, it was a private family thing, but knowing what he would do could help me decide what to do.

- Actually, you could maybe help me on something, I said before looking for the right way to ask what I wanted. Let's imagine a situation. You have two friends who are dating, and you find out that one of them is lying to the other. Would you tell the other because he is your friend, or would you remain silent?

He looked at me with surprise before thinking a little bit about the situation I told him about. It wasn't a complete lie, but I didn't told him anything compromising for my family.
After a minute of reflection he turned his head toward me and gave me an answer.

- Well, I guess I would tell my friend, he announced. Because friendship is based on honesty and I think that if I was the dumped person, I would rather know it from my friend than don't know anything and be lied right in my face by both the person I love, and my friend.

I nodded, getting what he meant, and agreeing with it. Who knew Jeremy could have good advices and not be childish from time to time! I had to admit I was impressed with him, and I thought he was a good friend.

- You know what, you're right Jer', I said after a while. I'll probably tell my friend.

- I know I'm right, he said jokingly. I'm always right.

- Yeah, that's why I decided to be friend with you, I replied joking as well. I thought it was better than enemy.

I thought I saw something in his eyes for a split second, but it was gone the second after and he laugh with me. I had no idea what it was, but it didn't stayed for long, so I decided not to bother with that as I saw my father coming to us. I said goodbye to Jeremy and climbed in the now unlocked car.
My dad joined me a few seconds after, and I felt the pressure and nervousness coming back to me. I took a deep breath as he was starting the engine, driving to our house.

I was debating with myself how to start the conversation, I wanted to cry and to pee my pant because of my nerves. But however, I knew it was my chance, my moment of truth and so I did.

- Dad? I asked carefully. Can I say something?

- Yeah, sure, he said in a protective tone. You can tell me everything.

- You have to promise me not to get made at me, I begged.

- I won't, he promised.

I took another deep breath closing my eyes for a second before speaking again.

- Tuesday, I went to mom's office, I started trying to control my shaky voice. I wanted to eat with her since I hadn't seen her in a week.

- That's nice of you, he commented focused on the road.

- Well, I came to her stair, and... And... I saw her, and she was with... With her boss, I exclaimed trying to stop my voice from breaking at each word.

- With her boss? What do you mean? He asked lost. Do you mean they weren't working?

- No...

I couldn't say anything more, my voice were broken and sobs were blocking my throat. My dads face harden and his fist clenched around the wheel with anger.

- I'm really sorry dad, I had to tell you, I say not able of containing my tears running down my cheeks.

- it's fine Shay, it's not your fault, he said in a parental tone hiding anger. Don't blame yourself for something you haven't done.

I kept silently crying on my sit, looking through the window. I was feeling free of a huge weigh not that I told him, but I was now instead feeling guilty for getting him mad and hurt.
But even with this guilt, I knew I made the right choice the moment I told him, because I couldn't lie to my father.
And now, no matter what would happened, I would stick with him, because he was one of the kindest person I knew, and I would never let him go.

So? Would you have done it the same way as her? Did she took the wrong decision?
Let me know!
Love X

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