Seeing the truth

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The Saturday, my father woke me up as usual. Just like the old time, he was caring a tray were were some homemade pancakes, and orange juice.

- Hey little bird, he greeted me.

- hello dad, I replied rubbing my eyes. Sweet breakfast thanks!

He gave me a smile and took a sit in front of me, looking at me while I was eating. I knew my father loved me unconditionally, but I also knew him well enough to know that he wasn't the kind of person who brings you breakfast at bed without an idea.

- So.. What do you want ? I asked giving him a knowing look.

- Well... He started uncomfortable to be so transparent. Their is a tournament at the club every weekend, and since it's my first one, I wanted you to come, just like old time.

I didn't wanted to go to that kind of event. I hadn't been to one since he was gone.
It was a family thing, it was our thing, and I wasn't sure I would be strong enough to do it without him.

- Dad.. I... I started feeling sorry.

- You have to come, he begged. I can't make it alone, and your mother can't come! I know it's hard for you, but it's hard for all of us, and I need you Shay. It was our thing, and he wouldn't see you stopping everything because he is gone! Please, come... In his memory.

I let out a sight. I knew deep down that dad was right. And that I shouldn't stop living because he was gone, but I couldn't help it. Some things were just too hard, and I wasn't strong enough to face them.
However I knew that if I refused this, I would be selfish to my father. It was hard for him too, but he had to do it for his job, and he needed support.

- Alright, I'll come, I agreed after a minute of reflection.

He gave me a quick hug and started asking me about my week and I did the same for him. Once I was done with my breakfast, I got ready for the tournament. I then left with my father, going to the gym.

I made my way through the small crowd, going to the ring to stand next to my father and Rick. On the ring right now were two boys in their early fifteen, fighting with all their energy. It must be the last round as they were both sweaty and quiet slow. They were physically strong for their age, but they were a little too savage. For them, boxing was still hitting dumbly the opponent until he fell. Some never came out of this way of boxing, and they were the worse boxers.
One of them looked more quick, finding a second breath, showing us that he had a strong mental. It was always nice to see that the mind could push the body so far. They didn't had any injuries, they weren't any really competition, but they were still trying to deliver the best they could. And I admired them for that, even if it wasn't the real condition of a tournament.

As it was just a tournament between subscribers of the gym, they had helmets on, and a whole bunch of protection. That tournament was more of a general training between all of them in order to compared themselves and get ready for the beginning of the real competition.

The fight of the fifteen ended shortly after and the bell rang as two other guys came on the ring. I recognised the two of them, as one was Alaric, dads little champion, and the other one was Alexander. I didn't thought they would be in the same category, but maybe it would be interesting.
Rick jumped on the stage, calling a man to come and be the arbitrator of the match. He then added:" let me remind you a few added rules for this fight only. Alexander won't have the right to use his full strength, or to use his feet. Alaric is free to use and punch the way he wants to. Now, let's begin!". I had to admit I wasn't expecting specials rules for this game, and, even more, rules reserved to only one of them.

I didn't understood why, but it was it, the so called Alexander had rules getting him in chains that Alaric didn't had. At least, the fight promised to be excited. I was curious to see what made Alexander so special that he wasn't allowed to give it all.
The arbitrator them have the beginning of the round as a kid rang the bell like crazy. A few shout of support could be heard in favour of Alaric mostly, but I weren't sure that he would be the one winning.

Of course Alaric had advantages but for some odd reasons, I was feeling like Alexander would still be stronger physically. It would be a fight of intelligence, if Alaric wasn't able to thing and were one of these "punch and knock out" kind of boy, he wouldn't make it.
My dad was screaming him advices, but it seemed like his boy didn't payed attention. The two boys were punching, and protecting there faces. I had to admit that Alexander were good, like, really good. He was fast, and knew where to hit. His movements were pretty precise and Alaric already had difficulties after a few minutes.

Precision was something really important in boxing as every precise punch were allowing you points leading to the victory (this and KO of course). The exciting thing about boxing is that you never know when it will end, when one of the two will give up. The longest fight ever took 49 rounds to end, which is the equivalent of around two hours and a half.
One thing was sure, the fight in front of us wouldn't last that long. We would be lucky if we had two rounds actually. Who knew that a person with such a huge ego could be boxing that well!

Hoy hoy!!!!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Love xx

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