Live or let die

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Even my eyelids were heavy, and I was fighting the urge of sleeping that I was feeling. I couldn't sleep, who knew if I would wake up after. Now that they weren't hitting me anymore, hope came back and I wanted to live again.
On top of the ringing in my ears, I could hear punches and muffled whimpering probably from the three guys.

Breathing so deeply I was hurting myself, I kept on trying to open my eyes, and I finally succeeded after a few other try. All I could see was the road in front of me, and I couldn't move my head to look to the noises.
After what seemed like hours to me, someone came into my vision, crouching down in front of my face. Even in the darkness of the street, I recognised Alexander standing in front of me. I could see in his face that he was worried about me, and I was too. Would I survive all this? I hoped I would make it, but I had no guaranty.

- You got the thing to get in trouble, his said probably thinking I couldn't hear him. You were lucky I was here tonight. How the hell can the daughter of a boxing coach got beaten like this?

I wanted to scream, to slap him across the face and to thanks him at the same time, but my body wasn't able of doing such an effort so I remained silent. I felt his hand running into my messy long brown hair in a kind way, and it was taken aback by his action.

- How can a seventeen years old girl be strong like you are? He wondered loudly. Were is the cheesy dreamy young teenager?

If only he knew what I went through... But he would never know, because he still was a douchebag even after saving my life.
He slowly took me in his arms, probably trying not to injury me more than I already was, and put me onto the passages seat of his car where he had previously laid a protection for his sit.
I couldn't protest, I couldn't say a thing so I just looked around me and tried to somehow find a way to appreciate the fact that I was in a Spider even with my injuries and pains.

He started the engine, driving through London until he stopped, taking me out of the car and carrying me bride style once again, taking me inside an unknown building. He carried me even while opening the door, laying me on what must be a couch. He then stood up, starring at me while thinking about something. After a while, he finally snapped out of it, and took a sit on the coffee table facing me.

- Well, it's not the Ritz, but you'll have to deal with it, he warned me like if I was judging him. I'll have a look at your injuries.

He stood still starring at me for a while before shaking his head.

- I didn't even know why I'm talking to you, you can't hear me anyway, he said throwing at himself. Your just a drooling mess right now.

He took of my shirt and jeans with ease, and I could tell it wasn't the first time he was taking clothes off a woman, but it wasn't time for being judgmental about his sexual life. He looked at my arms, legs and torso with seriousness. He applied some things he went to get somewhere in his apartment before pulling a large tee shirt on me.
He then told me to have some rest, and he left me alone on his couch, turning the light of while leaving. I was cold and he didn't even thought of giving me a blanket, but I couldn't talk. I tried to call him, but the only thing I could make was a weird guttural sound. But as long as it would call him, it was find by me. After a minute, he came back, switching the lights on. He was behind me, I couldn't see him, but I was hoping he had a blanket with him.

- Did you made that sound? He asked.

I wanted to make it again to answer but my throat was too dry, and I couldn't swallow properly. I was once again disarmed and I couldn't do anything about it.
He had changed into a tee shirt and jogging pant, probably ready for Bed, be he was standing here, dumbly starring at me.

- Are you thirsty? He asked. Or hungry? Are you cold?

At the last thing he said, I force myself to do something, my brain in alert, trying every muscles of my body until I finally succeeded. I moved a finger of my left hand, trying to forget about the pain I was feeling from that move.

He probably saw it as he came closer, coming into my vision. Looking carefully at my face and back at my hand.

- You're cold, right? He asked once again and I moved my finger.

He turned on his heels, coming back a few minutes after, holding a duvet in his arms. He putted it on me carefully, before looking at my face once again. I could feel him eyes burning on my skin, forcing me to open my eyes. He nodded at me before turning around, turning the lights off once again before leaving me.
I closed back my eyes, thinking that if I survived, I would try to change and become a better person. I would work harder at school and I would make him proud of me, like I always wanted. I would make sure that dad would know about mom and her boss, and I would stand by him, so he wouldn't suffer too much from it.

If I survived, I would give everything to find myself a dream, and a goal in my life, I would fight for what I loved and I would find a way to be happy.
I wanted to survive.

And! There you go!!
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