Silent is a rule

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Another week at school passed, I was still staying with Ash, Jimmy and Carson. I had to admit they were pretty nice and funny. Jemmy was the funny happy one, I would bet he was gay, even if he didn't talk much about his love life, and Carson was the one chasing ladies without a lot of success. He loved women, I couldn't deny that, but he probably loved them too much and all at the same time, and that was the problem.
He was using the dumbest, most idiotic phrases to get to girls, and it rarely worked out. He thought that using rhythms and talking about their eyes was a good way to charm a girl, and it was so funny that none of us tried to tell him how wrong he was.

I had met a few new people, some nice, some not. I started to recognise faces even when I saw them in the street or at the coffee shop. What I like about that school was how diversified it were. They were all nationalities, and personalities, from geeks, to loners, popular, or even slutty kind of person. I didn't appreciated every kind, but I was getting along quiet well with the geeks, and Ash was enjoying it as well as it was her idea. We even hangout with them sometimes.

Ash was the one who enjoyed the situation the most, because having a bigger group made her feel more popular. Ash was that sort of person who liked to be surrounded and talk and be the heart of the attraction. I didn't blamed her though, it was fine by me.

I was going at the gym almost every evening when I came out of school, and I enjoyed it. The smell of sweat didn't bothered me anymore, and the atmosphere were nice, like a big family.
I did my part of paper work as well, which I started to enjoy as well. Maths weren't my thing, but I was comfortable looking through all the accounts and money the club were dealing with.
Sometimes, Rick was here with me, helping me and signing the papers, sometimes he weren't. Jeremy was here everyday as well except for the Wednesday that was his day off. He always came to talk to me, whenever I was working on papers or on fitness equipment. I now knew how to get along with him and workout without really paying attention to him.

I knew I wasn't nice or polite with him, by not listening to him, but I was coming here to change my mind, and not think about anything. I didn't wanted to be distracted by anyone or anything, not even Jeremy, it was the only moment I really had for myself so I would use tithe right way. A bomb could explode next to me, I wouldn't react. Alexander was here everyday as well, but I didn't saw he starring at me again. He just acted like he was alone, just like I did.

The Friday evening, as I was training once again, alone for once, I had a call from Ash. It was something unusual as she knew I didn't like phone call.

- Hello? I asked stopping my workout to answer.

- Shaaay! She shouted happily.

- Sup A? I asked using the new nickname I gave her.

- Good! Because tonight, we're going out! She shouted excited as a child.

- Going out? I asked not sure to understand.

- Yeah! Going out, S! Like in getting dress up, and go to a club, she said laughing as I heard another laugh behind her.

- Is Jimmy with you? I asked curious.

- Yep Sherlock, I'm here, he replied letting me know they were on speaker. And don't change the topic! Tonight, you, Ash, Carson and I are going out.

- Well, you may have forgot guys, but we are under age, I signalled in a duh tone. We won't be allow.

- We can if we have a adult as chaperon, said A with excitement. C'mon S, it will be so much fun! My aunt is coming, she is the coolest.

- You know it's not my... I started.

- We won't take a no as an answer, said ash warningly.

I let out a sight and thought about it for a second, I knew my parents wouldn't allow me to go, but I was long time since I last went out. Maybe it would help me get more comfortable, maybe it was the thing I was missing to feel fully accepted and in place in my new life.
Even after two weeks of school, I wasn't feeling completely at my place in my new life. I was still missing my old life, as if this one wasn't complete. Maybe hanging out with my new friends on Friday night would help me found out what was wrong or missing.

- Ok fine, I'm in, I said after a while.

I could hear their happy screams on the other side of the phone, pulling a small amused smile on my face. They told me to come at the school at a meeting appointment and hung up on me, apparently really excited.
Tonight I was going to dance and have fun, or at least I would try to do so. I stood up and went to the locker room, changing my clothes before heading home.
I took a quick shower and changed into some black skinny jeans and a kaki deep v neck top. I didn't had huge boobs so it wasn't anything daring, but a little sexy. After all I was going clubbing, so a little cleavage wouldn't hurt, and I knew I would be able to defend myself if I had any problem.
I was off to the school now, I was almost eleven and I was ready to party.

Hope you guys liked it! A little shorter
But anyway!
Love X

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