"I, uh, was wondering if you wanted to maybe be my best man... Do you think you could do that?" Harry asked me in a way that made me wonder how in the world this sweet muffin of a man is a boxer. He looked at me with his green eyes full of hope.

"Did you even have to ask? You were my best man, it's only fair I return the favor." I said. He got up and clobbered me with a bug Harry Styles hug. I hugged him back then pushed him off me in a playful way.

Both of us continued our workouts before I saw it was time to head home for the night. Harry walked me to the door and slapped my bum as I stepped outside. When I turned to punch him, he closed the door. Luckily, I had enough control of my muscles and my hits that I stopped my arm mid swing so I didn't end up breaking my hand on his door. I rolled my eyes at the cheeky bastard and made my way to my car. Just before I was about to get in, Louis drove up in his car. I waited for him to get out so he could run and say hi to me.

"You Malik's are just everywhere, aren't you?" He giggled to me. I smiled at the sweet little thing he his and pulled him in for a hug. The way Harry and I feel about each other's significant others is something that's so hard to explain. Both Louis and Niall are such gentle yet strong people that changed two boxers forever. Harry and I know that without those two people in our lives, we would never be the people we are today which means Harry and I would have never become the friends we are. We both understand these two men are the reasons we fight. They're the reason we smile. They're really reason we breathe. And for that, we love them for it in a way only a grateful friend could.

"How was your day, Lou?" I asked him as I pulled back from our hug. He bounced a little as he told me that him and Niall made the invitation list and planned the small details of the wedding like colors and flowers.

"Well, keep us updated on colors so we can get the boys fitted for their tuxedos. We need to know what date to have Ethan run ten miles so he can stand still through a fitting." I joked. Louis laughed and we both said short goodbyes.

When I drove up to my house, I honked twice like I always do so my loves know I'm home. I parked the car and not even a second later both my boys came running out of the house. Ethan jumped right into my arms while Ezra hugged me then backed away, probably a little disappointed I still didn't bring home a puppy. I knelt down a bit for him to jump on my back then carried Ethan in my arms as I kissed up his cheeks.

"Daddy! Show Baba what we made!" Ethan shouted through the house. I laughed and walked into the kitchen where I knew my Niall probably was at the moment. I stopped walking at the doorway of the kitchen where I let Ezra slide off my back then I set Ethan on the floor. He just grabbed my hand and pulled me to see the freshly made cookies that were cooling. I smiled at Niall as he blushed at me like he normal does when I get home. It's just like the first time every time I see him. I pulled him to my chest and let him snuggle into my body.

"I missed you today." He mumbled. I kissed his cheeks then found my way to kiss lips to kiss them too. That made the boys start complaining that we needed to stop kissing. We did, but our hands linked together as Ezra begin telling me how he suggested they make chocolate chip cookies. Ethan said he wanted to eat them now but he knew that they were too hot. I just smiled then looked at Niall to just admire how beautiful he was and still feel like the luckiest man on earth that he was mine.

The night continued on as usual with us all eating dinner together then the boys finally getting to either their cookies they made. Niall and I made sure they finished any homework they had. Niall helped both boys get their school uniforms ready for the next day while I went downstairs to finish cleaning the kitchen and to lock up the house. The downstairs layout was very nice. It had a nice entry way when you walk in and the grand staircase was pushed to the back a bit. On the right was the living room that was connected to the kitchen. There was a doorway that let to the dinning room that overlooked the big backyard that was full of grass. I made sure all those doors and windows were locked before I went to the media room that was on left of the entry way to make sure the boys didn't leave anything on in there. There was also a hallway that had four bedrooms and two bathrooms that kind of spit off in a circle, but we didn't really use those rooms except for company. I went back upstairs, which had a nice loft area that over looked the entry way. The boys rooms were on the left side of the loft, along with three other bedrooms and bathrooms. Niall and I had our master suite on the right side of the loft and had a huge bathroom as well.

I made my way to the boys bedrooms to kiss them goodnight. Ethan let me tuck him in a little more then kissed me back good night. I got to Ezra's room and saw he was already falling asleep. I kneeled next to his bed and kiss his forehead, my hand moving his thick black hair back. I saw Niall had already opened the window for him so I kissed him again and left his room with the door cracked open just a little.

I walked into our bedroom and saw Niall was already sitting in bed with one of my shirts on and his knees tucked up to his chest as he scanned through the channels on the telly. I sat on the corner of the bed and kissed his lips softly, trying to get all his attention on me instead. That didn't go as planned for me because my attention was pulled elsewhere when I heard something on the telly.

"Liam Payne, you are now thirty one to one. How does that make you feel to have that many wins under your belt?" I heard the interviewer ask. I turned my attention to the telly and saw that he was a sweaty, bloody mess indicating he had probably just finished a fight.

"It feels great to have that many wins, but there's still that one loss there that pushes me to do better." Liam said a little out of breath. I felt Niall tense next to me, so I got his soft hand in mine as we continued to watch the telly.

"There are so many rumors going around for your next fight. The big name now is Harry Styles. Who do you want to fight next?" The interviewer asked. An angry smile filled Liam's face as his eyes darted to the camera, making me feel like he was actually looking at me. I small chill ran through my body as I suddenly remembered the pain my body was in up to months after that fight with him. I felt Niall's eyes move from the telly to my face, but I couldn't dare look at him. I couldn't look at him because I knew the answer that was coming and I knew that instinct in me would overpower the pleading coming from my husbands eyes.

"You know who I want..."

A/N: I'm so in love with this book already! Double update!!!!!!! What colors do you think Larry's wedding to be?!?!?!?!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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