Lucy Heartly

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Name: Lucy Heartly
Age: 14
Height: 5"6'
Occupation: Blue/ Water ninja
Race: Caucasian
Friends: (Currently) Howard Weinerman, Randy Cunningham, and Daniel Trencher.
Enemies: Theresa Fowler (Love rival), Mcfist (Ninja rival), the sorcerer (Ninja rival).
Family: Father (Trey Heartly), Mother (Emma Johnson)-(Disappeared), Bash Johnson (Cousin), Mcfist (Uncle), Marci Mcfist (Aunt).
Crush: Randy Cunningham
Backstory: Lucy lived in Norrisvile when she was a child, at the age of 5 her mother disappeared causing the family to move to New York City. She received her ninja mask and Nomicon when she entered High school, but halfway through freshman year her fathers job transfer caused her to leave her friends behind and move back to Norrisvile where she meets Howard, Randy, and Daniel.
Physical appearance: Lucy has blonde hair in a pony tail held up with a skull hair tie and fringe the slightly covers her right eye, her left eye is blue while her right is brown, she wears a blue hoodie, jeans, converse, and a necklace in the shape of the sun.
Ninja appearance: Her ninja form has her wearing a suit similar to Randy's but with blue instead of red, her pony tail comes out of the back and is the color black and her skull is still on it, her left eye becomes white while the other becomes black.
Weapon: Though she has many she prefers to use either use her ice sword or ice bow and arrows.
Personality: Lucy is an awkward, weird, and shy gamer geek who enjoys days alone, but when it comes to people she either likes them or absolutely hates them, with people she likes she is funny, generous, kind, and loyal, with people she hates she prepares comebacks in a flash and is ready to get her hands dirty if they hurt her friends, but when it comes to the people she loves she acts shy, awkward, and embarrassed, she can't look them in the eyes and will never admit she likes them but sometimes she'll be cool until she remembers who she's talking to.

The Four Ninjas Book One: Randy CunninghamWhere stories live. Discover now