Chapter 2

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She had about twelve boxes filled with her stuff as she got ready for the flight to Norrisvile, she had her ninja mask in her bookbag along with the Nomicom.

"You ready, Lucy?" Her dad asked, she looked around her room and turned to her dad smiling.

"Yeah, let's go." She and her dad left to the airport and arrived to Norrisvile, Lucy sat in their car as it drove up the driveway to their new house, it was large and was painted blue.

"Welcome home Lucy," Her dad said stepping out of the car, she stepped out too, "This is where we lived before." She examined the house.

"Cool," Lucy walked inside and ran up choosing the second biggest room as hers, "Wow, this room is huge." Her dad walked in and knocked.

"The truck is here," She turned and sighed, her dad stopped her before she left her room, "Listen, when you go to school tomorrow promise me you'll be careful." Lucy looked her dad in the eyes.

"Why?" She asked, he looked away and then back.

"This town is dangerous and I just want to keep you safe." Lucy nodded and held out her pinkie finger.

"I promise," Her dad crossed his pinkie with hers, "Now, let's unpack some boxes!" Lucy yelled, her dad laughing behind her. She dropped all twelve boxes into her room, Lucy looked up, her room had a big bed to one side and a desk and shelves on the other and in the middle was a window it was a octagon shape and had a ledge for her to sit on, she unpack three boxes of books and place them on the shelve in another box  she took out a computer, and in the last eight boxes had clothes that she put in her drawers.

"Finally done," Lucy looked out her window to see that it has begun to rain, "Aw man, I wanted to go outside, whatever." She sighed and sat down on the ledge of the window, her dad passed by carrying boxes and saw her.

"Tomorrow will be better," She turned to him and smiled, "You'll make lots of friends." He smiled back at Lucy and walked away, She turned back to the window.

"I hope." She said looking out and sighing.

The Four Ninjas Book One: Randy CunninghamWhere stories live. Discover now