“Damn it Danny you know I hate when you do that.” I say.

“Sorry.” He says as he leans against my window. “Where are you going?”

“To the station.”

Daniel looks at me for a moment before he says, “Community service?”


Daniel nods, “Go figures.”

I smile as I say, “What’s up?”

“What were you doing at the tracks the other day?”

I looked at him, “How did you know I went to the tracks?”

Daniel looks over at the car behind mine as I say, “Charlotte told you?”

Taking his silences as my answer I shook my head.

“Don’t get mad at her, she was just looking out for you.”

“By ratting out to my brother that I went to a race track to finish my homework?”

“She said that you went to see Harry.”

“I went to finish my homework. Miss Jackson had us do a questionnaire and since we didn’t finish in class I decided to meet him so I could finish.”

“Why didn’t you just finish over the phone?”

“Why do you care?”

“I care because I’m your brother and I don’t trust Harry.”

“It’s been a few weeks, maybe a month since school started and you don’t trust him? Daniel you don’t know him.”

“And you do?”

I didn’t answer. I had no idea why it was upsetting me that Daniel didn’t trust Harry especially since I could barely stand him myself.

“Annabelle you know that I don’t want to choose your friends…”

“Then don’t try to. He hasn’t done anything to me so chill, I was just doing homework.”

Lowering down to my window Daniel sighs and says, “The boys and I have heard things that he and his friends do, just..” he takes a breath and shakes his head, “Just promise me that you’ll stay away from him and his friends.”

“Can’t,” I say, “I have two classes with him.”

“Then outside of school I want you to stay away from him. Do you understand?”

With my irritation towards Daniel thinking he can tell me what to do I nod as I say, “Sure.”

Leaning through the window Daniel kisses me on my cheek and says, “I’ll see you after practice okay? Keep your phone on.”


“Because Carter might call.”

“Again I ask why?”

“Because he wants to.” he says.

I nod, “Alright.”

Starting the engine I pulled out of the school’s parking lot. A part of me felt all fluttered in the stomach at the thought that Carter wanted to call me, while the other part of me felt heated over the fact that Daniel thought he could tell me who I could and couldn’t talk to. Especially when he was the one telling me not to listen to or feed into the rumors spread around school considering I was the freak topic a while ago.


I arrived at my dad’s police station a little while later with my coffee, ready to work. I stayed there until a little after 8 when my dad got an emergency call of another potential animal attack. Leaving the station I hopped into my car and headed home when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hey is this Annabelle?” says a voice.

“Yeah this is she? May I ask who is this?”

“It’s Carter, from school.”

Holy Shit! “Oh Hi.” I say trying not to sound crazy.

“Hey, I was calling to see if you were busy? Daniel said that you were doing community service today.”

“Yeah I just left a little while ago.”

“Well I close up the coffee shop in a little while and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to swing by and we could talk.”

Stunned I didn’t reply.

“Hello Anna? Are you there?” he says.

Clearing my throat I say, “Yeah.”

“Well? What do you say?”

Nodding I smile and say, “Yes um I’ll be there in like 15 minutes?”

“Okay great, I’ll see you soon.” He says as he hangs up.

Turning around from the way I was heading home I made my way to the coffee shop, but seeing as there was road blocks up for construction I was stuck taking the long way. Crap! I was going to be late. I though as I drove down the empty road. Driving for a fair distance I noticed something lying off the side of the road. It was dark and larger then animal that I’ve seen.

Don’t stop, keep driving. Kept repeating in my head as my car kept slowing down as I pulled off the road.  The nearest food place was about 5 minute driving wise and the coffee shop was about another additional couple of minutes. Turning on my high beam’s I slowed my car to a stop as I took in the figure.

It looks like a body. I thought. Everything I learned from my dad and mom growing up, such as if there is something on the road or if someone wants to hitch a ride, and your alone, call someone and drive straight to where you’re going and don’t stop. A warm sensation itched up my neck making me shiver.

I shouldn’t be here was what kept repeating through my mind as I searched for my flashlight. Finding it under my passenger seat I slowly got out my car and made my way to the figure.

“Hey? Are you okay?” I called out to the figure which was stupid. Of course the person or thing wasn’t okay! If they or it was, it wouldn’t be here in the first place.

Even though I’m scared out of my mind I continued to make my way to the figure. Walking up to it I knelt down to see it was a boy.

“Hey,” I say softly, “I’m here to help.” I say as I push the dark sweat drenched here from his face. Nearly falling back on my ass, my breath caught as I yell, “Harry!”

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