11. the bad boy dines and dash

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I scoff at him ridiculously, not looking at him.

"I was grieving. That's the only way I know how to grief: by getting drunk. Drink after drink, I forgot about everything else and - I wasn't myself," he explains.

There are different ways of grieving. I should know. I went on days even weeks or months without eating and feeling numb all the time after my dad and Serena. I became distant and built a huge brick wall to protect myself.

"Your food's here," the waiter finally comes with our food on a tray in his hand.

Silence begin to feel the air between Archer and I as we watch the waiter put down our food.

"Thank you. Enjoy your meal." He left our table.

We make eye contact for a brief second before I look away to eat my food while Archer continues to stare at my every movement.

Hating the feeling of him watching me, I assure him, "I'm fine. Everything's good."

Plus, I don't care.

Archer grin feeling reassured. "Did you said you were waiting for me all night? Did I hear that right?"

I let out a deep breath in frustration.

"Don't tell me you're already in love with me." Archer continues with his teasing remarks while I continue to not care and eat my food.


After what felt like ages of Archer's endless remarks, we finally finish eating and now we're just waiting for the waiter to give us our check.

I watch as Archer furrow his eyebrows while searching around his pant pockets.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I think my wallet's in the limo."

"The same limo that you told to go?" I ask in disbelief.

He smiles sheepishly, confirming my question.

Earlier, Archer told the limo to go because he has his car. So we rode his car here, which was the wrong thing to do because he forgot his wallet.

"Are you serious? Well, call the driver to come back." I hurry him. I'm not trying to spend the night going to jail.

I would pay with my money but someone (*cough cough archer*) had to forced me into their car and kidnap me here from school. I only carry cash at school sometimes, which is not today.

Archer smirk and looks at me with a glint in his eyes. The kind of smirk that screams trouble, mischief, and wrong.

"Follow my lead," was all he said before looking around his surrounding and finally standing up.

Next thing I know, he's dashing towards the door. My eyes open wide in surprise and I froze in my spot.

This is not happening.

Nope, not today.

Archer makes it to the door and looks back to see me still sitting in my same spot, not moving an inch. His whole face is screaming for me to follow him.

If I don't leave and wait for the waiter to come back, I'll have to come up with a way to pay for the food. I may even end up in jail. If I do leave, I could get caught and end up in jail.

Making a decision, I finally move from my spot just as the waiter is coming back with the check. I quickly run to the door, shoving the waiter out of my way. My heart is beating out of my chest. I feel this sudden rush of adrenaline that I've never felt before.

I make it to Archer and we both ran out the door to his car. The waiter runs after us but is one step too late. We both got in and Archer already has his keys in his hands and is already turning on the engine.

Once the engine roars to life, Archer immediately pulls out of the parking lot and we were on our way.

I never looked back. I didn't want to look back.

My heart is still racing from what had just happened.

"Oh my god," I finally said after a moment of silence and realization.

"Oh my god, what did I just do? What did you just made me do!" I start to realize what I just did.

"I could go to jail for this. For the rest of my life. Oh my god. We have to go back. We have to go back!" I scream at him.

He glance at me for a quick second before focusing back on driving, "Chloe. Chloe! Take a deep breath. Just relax. Stop overthinking. We're fine. Everything is all good."

I punch him on his shoulder. "Everything is all good? How can everything be all good? We just left! Without paying!"

You ever done something that you thought was cool then you look back and realize that it was actually really stupid and it could actually end up destroying your entire life?

Yeah, well, that's me right now.

"People do it all the time!" Archer defends himself.

"Yeah, well, those people are probably spending their life rotting in prison right now because of that one stupid mistake!"

"Well, we got away!" He keeps looking at the bright side of things which is what I should be too but I'm too busy trying not to ruin my life.

He's rich. He's had it easy. He can get away with this. He's probably gotten away with a lot of things before. But I can't.

Next thing I know, the car starts slowing down and we came to a stop.

"Archer... why are we stopping?"

He smiles sheepishly like how he did earlier.

"Are you kidding me?!"

The Bad Boy Knows How to Love (#1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt