Section 2 - Article 16

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Article 16 – Was Apostle Paul Married?

A side issue but commonly wrongly preached that Paul was married or widowed. I now quote 1 Cor 7:8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

Yet some say that Paul was married because he was a Pharisee and Pharisees were generally married.

It may be true that Pharisees are typically married, but let us look deeply into this.

Paul wrote "unmarried" and "widow". He cannot be both. I find it ridiculous that everyone abide like him could refer to him as a widower. He would be basically saying that it would be good for people to have their spouses die which is preposterous. There are some whom say that maybe his wife left him. Then Paul is neither unmarried nor widower. So this writing makes him a liar, and the preservation of this makes scripture erroneous.

So in proper scriptural interpretation where he earlier wrote in verse 7 that it is a gift, he is definitely referring to being single. Surely he is not saying that everyone who does not lose their spouse to miss a gift from God? That is crazy!

In context of verse 2, he clearly taught marriage was to escape fornication. So in context, Paul is clearly 100%, definitely and clearly unmarried. Any alternatives make him a liar, and the Scriptures erroneous.

Nonetheless, it is the teaching that matters, not whether he was married or not.

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