Section 2 - Article 4

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Article 4 - Robbing God

This article is a reflection following a sermon, and discusses how sometimes we make promises to God, but then fail to keep them. Also, we need to realize our position in relation to God.

After a sermon on Psalm 24, I remembered that I had forgotten promises made to God years ago. With the reminder of those promises, I also recall that my life belongs to the Lord, and I am on a lease. I have responsibilities to fulfill on this lease even without my promise. My sinful nature may plot against this responsibility, but the true owner of this life is in charge. I am, but a steward, a care-taker, and I have to return this life and all that is with it to the Lord. When that day comes, I want to return it to Him with interest earned (reference to the parable of the 3 talents). I want to make the full use of my abilities and capabilities, so I can return it all to Him with the extra interest. I may have come to the world using 1% of my brain, but I want to return this body to Him with 10% brain usage. If I am down with illness, I want to return it to the Lord with health or not let the illness hinder the important work. I came to this Earth not knowing much, but I want to return it to Him knowing things that matter according to His will, and definitely not filled with nonsense.

If I have made a mess of this life, contaminating myself with toxins, medications and who knows what other chemicals we ingest unknowingly from living in the fallen environment, I need to return this body better. If I have not made the best use of everything that is given to me, or I have not spent my money, my belongings, my talents, my brain according to His will, I have to. I want to return these things newer and better than when they were given to me. I want to return myself better than when I first existed.

This is my lease. I must remember that I am on lease with the Almighty, and that I do not own anything myself. I cannot claim anything for myself or I have robbed God. Wherever He wants me to go, whatever He wants me to do, I do not have a say. I would probably bargain, complain, attempt to disobey, or struggle, but I need to remember that I do not have a say on things that do not belong to me, for taking it and claiming it as mine is 'robbing God' as mentioned in Malachi 3.

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