Section 2 - Article 8

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Article 8 - The foolishness of the gospel to the unbeliever

This article supports predestination and election by God because of the incredibility of the gospel. God is supreme and He works to bring us to Him.

Often the Christian forgets how difficult it can be for the unbeliever to accept and love Jesus Christ. And for any proper evangelist, knowing this is necessary, especially when having a logical discussion. Here you are trying to convince a person that someone who died in approximately 30 AD is God incarnate, and His death was to take and cleanse the sins of each individual person so that they can approach God, Who did not sin like sinful disobedient humans. In addition, one is trying to convince others that this Person Who died so long ago loves them individually, knows them individually, and is fully human as well as fully God. In all honesty, even some Christians may run into a logical hiccup there.

In return for this deed, we are supposed to love this Person wholeheartedly, this mysterious man who claimed to be God, and got crucified by the Romans. According to Jesus in the gospels e.g. Matthew, we are supposed to love Him more than we do our parents, more than we do everyone in the world, and even more than we do ourselves! How can the unbeliever believe when the believers themselves struggle with such things? Surely God needs to work in the hearts of man, and surely this is true that God's grace must be there to lure us to Him, rather than we, by our own logic or will and intellect to decide to love Jesus in the manner that He wants us to do. As described in the parable of the seeds, some do not take root, and some simply wither and die. Similarly, this emphasizes the validity of predestination where God chooses the elect. Man really has very little say on his own salvation. Yet, despite not knowing who the elected are, we still have to obey the great commission, for it is our test of obedience, just as Adam and Eve were tested in the Garden of Eden. It does not have to make sense, for there are many things that we do not know or are able to fathom, just as Adam and Eve might not logically deduce the point of having the tree of knowledge in the garden if it was forbidden to eat from it. Obedience is the test.

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