Section 2 - Article 5

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Article 5 - The point of everything

This article analyzes the wisdom of King Solomon and what the point and purpose of life are supposed to be.

King Solomon is a very fascinating character from the Holy Scriptures. His kingdom was the greatest of all the kings of Israel. Most importantly, he was the wisest that the world had every known or will ever know, apart from the Lord Jesus. Solomon was blessed with the wisdom of God. Yet in the end, he had fallen to the snares of women. Having a thousand pagan wives and concubines led him astray to worship other gods. If the wisdom from God does not keep you with God, what can? The New Testament focused quite a fair bit on predestination, therefore God did. It is God who does all the work.

Reading the book of Ecclesiastes, one would see some similarities of Buddhist teaching. "All is vanity.... knowledge increaseth sorrow.... Study wearieth the soul.... There is no end to studying..... All is vanity, the wise die, the fools die.... The same fate comes to all."

Yet unlike Siddhartha (400 BC), Solomon (approx 700 - 1000 BC) came to a different conclusion despite agreeing on the vanity of all things. Solomon decided that it is good to enjoy the present such as the ability to eat, drink, and enjoy (he did caution that everything will be judged by God). And in his conclusion of all being vanity, Man has only one main purpose and duty; that is to fear God, and keep His commandments and statutes. Whatever man reaps from his hard work is God's gift and approval. Therefore Man should enjoy that gift, but keep the focus on God and not on the vain things of life.

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