41. He proposes (Ashton)

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(Yes I know I have one, I just wanted to do another one)

You and Ashton had a took your two year old son to Disney Land. Since most of your friends and family was there, they came along but you didn't know why. You held your son's hand as you both walked. Ashton seem a little two happy to be there but you were just thinking he was just really happy since this was his first time coming to Disney Land. As you two walked Ashton stopped you three and he handed you a mickey mouse shaped box.

"Here, I wanted to give you this" He smiled and your friends start to record without you noticing

"Ash-" You say before seeing him get down on one knee  and hold your hand, while your son put his hands on your legs looking up to see the box. You turned and walked off, almost dragging Ashton with you since he tried not to let go. You took your hand back and covered your mouth as your older brother took your son. You cry and let out a yes. Your friends cheer as Ashton put the ring on your finger, other people looking at you two, clapping.

(The link is your a visual reader: https://www.instagram.com/p/BG7yYIIRcfg/?taken-by=bitchslayings

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