Chapter 9

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Moving day was closing in and I honestly couldn't be happier. A safe apartment where Jiyong can't get in nor harass me. High security front desk to keep out unwanted guests a short bus ride to class and near the train station heading to work. Everything we didn't need regularly was packed up and ready to go, just a few pots and pans remained in the dish washer with a couple of bowls from last night's dinner.

"Let's order pizza tonight and celebrate moving day," Yoongi suggested. "I'm starving after all this packing and there's nothing to cook anyway."

"Great idea, babe," I agreed.

While Yoongi was on the phone placing our pizza order I saw my phone blip with a text, it was the unknown number again.

Unknown: Moving so soon? I will find you.

"Yoongi!", I yelled. "He knows!"

Yoongi hung up after placing the order and I showed him the text: "He knows we're moving and that we've sold the apartment."

"Turn off your phone," he said calmly. "Let's just enjoy our dinner and our last night here, OK? I'm going to do whatever I can to keep him from finding us again."

Thirty minutes later the pizza arrived and we sat down in front of the TV to watch a movie and enjoy our last night in this beautiful loft apartment I had worked hard to earn, but no longer could call home: it felt more like a prison.

After devouring the pizza and packing the remaining dried foods from the pantry, Yoongi hoisted me up onto the counter:

"This is one of the first places we made love when you first moved in here, remember?", he asked caressing my bare inner thighs as he straddled me and slowly pulled off my panties. "it's only fitting we make love on our last night here as well."

"I'm not going to argue with that," I moaned in his ear as he kissed my neck and lips while using both hands to massage my clit and the finger me.

He pulled me off the counter and laid me down on the floor where he continued with his hands to bring me to climax before pulling off my sweater and removing his briefs to continue the passion pinning me down with one of my legs over his shoulder, I almost reached climax a second time when:

"Yoongi stop...", I managed to utter out.

"What is it?", he said very confused.

"I thought I saw someone walk past the island among the boxes," I said terrified.

"What?!", he said breathing heavily. "Put your clothes on."

We both scrambled to put on what little we'd been wearing in the first place. He put me up on the kitchen counter again and grabbed the on remaining frying pan before searching the apartment. I stayed on lookout while he went upstairs to check the bedroom and bathroom, I saw a shadow move behind the couch:

"Yoongi!," I yelled for him to come back to the living room.

"What is it?" He asked. I pointed to the couch where I thought I could see someone huddled behind. Was I crazy? Was I seeing things? Yoongi quietly and calmly walked over to the couch frying pan ready to swing. He jumped up on the back of the couch ready to smack the intruder and no one was there.

"Babe," he sighed, "There's no one there. Are you OK?"

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I said embarrassed. "You're welcome to join me if you like." I headed upstairs and started the water to allow the shower to warm up. I stepped in after picking out some clothes for tomorrow's big move and heard Yoongi come into the bathroom. The shower door opened and he stepped in, but it wasn't Yoongi.

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