Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine and several missed calls and text messages. I rolled over to find Yoongi next to me sound asleep. I checked my phone and saw Brian had been calling me incessantly and even sent multiple texts. I also saw that Jiyong had been trying to reach me, what a curious young man he is. I haven't quite figured out what to make of him. I quietly walked into the bathroom and started the shower, not long after I stepped in did Yoongi decide to join me. This boy seriously know what he wants and knows how to get it! I'm not complaining, I'd have to be an idiot to complain about having sexual relations with Yoongi. The thing I am worried about is work and continuing our relationship without too many people finding out. Do I even want a relationship with him that stretches beyond sex? I have so many options right now! What about Jiyong, the guy from the coffee shop? Is there potential with him as well? I guess I'll keep my options open until I know for sure what I want.

Thank God it's Saturday, this means no class and I can just be still for a moment. After our shower Yoongi made us breakfast and then we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie. We were both thankful that we didn't have to leave the house and go anywhere if we didn't have to. My phone rang again and I finally answered to put Brian's mind at ease:

"Hey Brian," I answered. "Sorry I haven't been picking up, I had a long night."

"Jesus, MinHye!", he screeched. "I've been worried about you! Where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's place," I said. "Nothing to worry about. He's taking good care of me."

"He?!", Brian questioned and sounded a tad jealous. "Where did you meet him?"

"I met him at work, why?", I asked annoyed.

"Just wondering," he said quietly.

"Oh my God, you're jealous?", I said accusingly

"No shit I'm jealous!", he responded. "I didn't sit next to you and get to know you for no reason, MinHye! Did you sleep with him?"

"That's not your business, Brian." I said even more annoyed now.

"That's a 'Yes'," he said angrily. "I gotta go, I'll see you at dance practice."

He hung up and I walked back over to the couch and plopped back into Yoongi's arms. His embrace is currently the only thing that is comforting. I turned my phone off after responding to Jiyong's text so I wouldn't be bothered by anyone else for the rest of the day.

Sunday at dance practice was less than appetizing. Poor Brian wouldn't even look at me, he was so heartbroken that I'd taken a chance with someone else first. Not gonna lie, I've been attracted to Brian since we first met, but always saw him as just a friend. I wasn't expecting anything to happen with Yoongi either, in fact, I didn't think any of them would really want anything to do with me. Figured I'd just be a minion running around getting them caffeine and food, and that would be it! I was afraid Brian would leave the dance team now that I was involved with someone else, it made me sad to think about it, so I didn't. All I could do was pray he would eventually get over it and move on.

Monday came all too soon and I was back in class and cleaning rooms at the guest house before heading to the recording studio to meet with the boys. Jiyong began to message me more often trying to get me to go to dinner with him. Sadly, our schedules weren't lining up and I was really upset about it. I wanted to hangout with this guy and figure him out. He's kind of a mystery to me even though we talk every day and send pictures back and forth of what we're doing, he's a very mysterious boy. NamJoon saw me giggling while texting someone and he got curious since Yoongi was in the room, so I wouldn't be giggling and texting him.

"Nuna," NamJoon said. "Who are you talking to?"

"Just a friend," I said. "I met him last week when I was out getting coffee for you boys."

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