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Belle sat down next to her father, giving her mother a sympathetic look from the other end of the table. All twenty of the seats were filled, and all of the men, and one woman that wasn't in the family, were looking at Belle and her father. "Sorry we're late. Belle had very important news she wanted to share with me without everyone hearing." Her father winked at Belle.

"Well, this is Belle, my beautiful and intelligent daughter." Belle stood up, smiled, and waved. "This is my fantastic wife, Georgia, who I don't know what I would do without in my life." Belle sat down and let her mother take the stage of attention. Her mother smiled a Hollywood worthy smile, and waved a wave that a celebrity would be jealous of. Her brown hair had a single gray streak in it, catching the light. Then, she sat down and acted like nothing was different. Belle smiled at her.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, as we all know here, the company has hit a new high in the industry. So, that means higher paychecks, but also a higher number of hours at work. We need to keep the business at this new found high. So, in a way, this is a going away party for all of our free time together. You might all grow to hate me, but I hope not. Now, order whatever you shall like off of the menu, just remember who is driving you home tonight. Have a great time!"

Belle's father sat down, sighing as his back hit the chair. "I hate talking sometimes," he whispered to Belle, smiling slightly. "Me too, Dad. But you did a great job." The two looked at the menu. "So, since you're driving me home, can I get a martini?" Belle's father laughed loudly. "As soon as you turn thirty," he responded, still chuckling. "I thought the age limit was twenty one!" "Well, my limit is thirty. When you're out of college and possibly married. Then they can drive you home. Or me, if needed."

Belle rolled her eyes and laughed. She looked over the menu once more and sipped her water. Her phone went off then, causing her to spill a little on her. We got in an accident. Belle gasped. "What is it, sweetheart?" "Blake and Ray got in a wreck. We're still breathing, but I think Ray is injured. Police on way. Belle could feel her heart pounding in her chest. "Are they alright? I mean, they have to be if she's texting you." "She thinks Ray is hurt. Police are on the way. How did you manage to get in an accident? Was there another car? Are you okay? Belle was shaking and felt sick to her stomach. He was driving really fast, and he lost control. He rammed into a streetlamp. My ribs hurt and my eye is swollen, but I'm fine. There's only a crack in the windshield. We should be fine. I can hear the sirens.

Belle put her head in her hands. Why was Ray going so fast that he lost control? Why would he do that with Blake in the car with him? Text me when you figure out anything. I love you. Belle put the phone in her lap. She never had told Blake that she loved her; it was an unspoken thing. But right now was a brutal time, and she needed something of comfort. I love you too. Don't worry; we'll be fine. Belle took a deep breath. "Dad, I'm not that hungry." "Darling, I know this is hard for you, but they'll be fine. And it won't help anything if you go hungry. Get a light salad or something. You have to eat something. We'll visit them in the hospital later; I promise." Belle smiled at her father, struggling not to cry. He kissed her gently on the head. The waitress came over and took all their orders. All Belle could think about was Blake's body, on the ground and bleeding.

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