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 "She was a girl with a sweet smile," Belle said from the front of the classroom, glancing up and smiling despite her efforts. "Her mind was complicated, the thoughts hard to read. Maybe she was planning world domination, or perhaps just the veggie sandwich she packed for lunch. One may never know. Her eyes glittered and spoke in volumes without her having spoken a word. Her words echoed in those's minds who heard them, and gave people the strength to go on through the day. But did she know it? Of course not. She was in her own little world, not knowing that what she did with us here made every bit a meaningful moment. She thought she unimportant, just a waste of space with too much to say. So she went to her own world and spoke to very few. This girl is here in this room. The girl of my dreams."

 The class clapped loudly, a few even standing up. Belle blushed, unable to move as fast as she wanted to to her beloved. Blake had tears running down her face, mascara smearing along her cheeks. The class had known who Belle was going to write about the moment the assignment was given. They had to prepare a short, or long, speech to give to the whole class, describing their inspiration in life. It could be a famous actor, a chef, a music artist, even someone's mum. Belle and Blake were the couple everyone aspired to be; the perfect match, best friends since before grade school, the ones always holding hands. The two were hardly ever separated, and since the two were both females they even went to the bathroom together. They never did anything inappropriate; just two teenage girls, going to the bathroom with the other to reassure nothing bad would happen.

Belle walked as fast as she could to Blake, wrapping her arms around her neck. "Darling, why?" Blake whispered in her ear. Belle broke away, looking deep into Blake's eyes. "Why what?" she answered, frightened she had upset Blake. "Why would you do that when you knew mine was going to be about Prince?" Blake looked miserable, both happiness and guilt running through her eyes. "Because, you are my inspiration. Just because I'm not yours doesn't mean a thing to me. Prince is your inspiration, you are mine. If I were yours, that would be a tad too gushy, don't you think?" Belle smiled and gave Blake another quick hug, then sat down in the desk beside her. "Um, Mrs.Harpmen?" came a voice from the back of the room. "Can we see Blake for a moment? She'll be returning shortly."

Belle turned sharply. The back of the room was empty, except for two forms. Mrs.Harpmen, speech teacher and former traveler, and Mr.Bach, principle and former guidance counselor.

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