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Blake marched down the hall fuming. 'All I was trying to do was fix this colossal mess, and then it just gets worse and worse,' she thought. She was almost to the front of the school when she heard steps behind her. She glanced back, and saw Rosaline running to catch up. "Are you okay?" Rosaline asked, her eyes bright with worry. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Well, I saw what happened. You don't look very okay to me." "I am. This will blow over soon if she really wants us to be together." Blake looked down at the floor. What was Rosaline doing talking to her?

"If you say so. I'm sorry it had to happen though. Do you want to go on a walk?" Rosaline asked, hopefulness making her voice cheery. "Sure, I just have to be home by seven." Blake was just getting more and more confused. Rosaline was a prep; what was she doing talking to Blake? What did she care about the situation? "Oh, we'll probably be back around five," Rosaline said, grabbing Blake's hand. "This will be fun, trust me." Then the two walked out the door.

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