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Blake read the text in astonishment. Rosaline had told Belle that? But she hadn't told Blake... but she had told Blake more important things than that. Blake shook her head. She wasn't going to let this get to her right now. I'll text you after I get back. I doubt Rosaline would do something like that. She went over to her closet and pulled out a purple dress she had worn at a poetry slam a year before. "Does this even fit anymore?" Blake changed into it quickly. It fit now better than before. "Well, I tried, and it worked." Blake walked over to her mirror and put on a fresh coat of eyeliner. Then she picked up her phone and went to sit outside.

Just as she sat outside, Ray pulled up. His car was bright green with hippie stickers all over the back bumper. "Well, someone definitely dressed up. Get in, hot stuff." Blake felt herself blush, and she quickly ran into the car. "Why thank you," she said. "Not looking too bad yourself, doll." Ray smiled and blushed. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Ray began to drive out the neighborhood.

It was silent as they took the first few roads out of the neighborhood. "So," Ray finally said, breaking the somewhat awkward silence, "have you and Belle talked since that little scene?" "As a matter of fact, she actually texted me. And, don't think it was your fault. It wasn't. You did nothing wrong." "I know, but still. I just wish she would've said something." "Yeah, I do too. But what's done is done. It's whatever."

They continued down the road and into the part of town with most of the stores. Ray stopped in front of a flower shop. "Be right back," he said, hurrying out of the car and into the shop. A few moments later he came back, carrying a bouquet of roses. "Cliche, I know. But I thought it would be nice." Ray handed the roses to Blake, smiling. "Well, aren't you just delightful. But, I have a girlfriend remember." Blake winked at him. She knew it was all fun and games.

"Of course." Ray started driving again, not stopping too much later at a brick building with a mint green door. A sign above it proclaimed it as 'The Full Cup of Beans' with a large cup of steamy coffee next to the letters. "Fancy," Blake said, surprised. "Yeah, kinda. Let's go inside." Ray turned off the ignition and got out of the car. Blake was just unfastening her seat belt when Ray came around and opened her door.

"Well, isn't someone in a gentleman-like mood today," Blake said with a grin. "Well, maybe a little." The two linked arms and walked into the shop together. When the door opened, a little bell twinkled. "I love those things," Blake said, not meaning to say it out loud. "Me too. When I was little I used to run in and out of the door just to hear it. The customers would always laugh and say 'What a great little boy'. It was a great time. No judging back then." Blake smiled at Ray, knowing how he felt. It was great when they were all little kids, not being able to judge each other because in a way they were all the same. But now everything was different.

"Ray! How's my boy?" Blake turned around to see who could be talking to Ray. There was a bulking man, possibly over six foot, with a bald head and a beard. He had a friendly smile on his face. "Dad, this is Blake, Blake, this is my dad." "Blake! Glad to finally meet you!" Ray's father enveloped Blake in a large hug. Blake tried to hug back, but her arms were pinned to her sides. "Glad to meet you too!" He let go of her after a few moments, and led her and Ray to the bar.

"So, two large coffees I'm assuming?" Blake and Ray nodded. "Both iced." "How did you know?" "Well, Ray's told me a lot. I can guess that you'd both want the same type of coffee." "Do you know what doughnut I want?" Blake smiled at the man, already liking him more than her own father, even if that wasn't very hard. "Strawberry filled?" "This man is a genius." Blake threw her arms in the air and laughed, looking at Ray. He was smiling, apparently happy the meeting went well. 

Ray's dad walked away for a moment. "Does he like me? Or am I too weird?" Blake asked, suddenly self conscious. "He loves you. I talk about you a lot, as you've already learned. But all good things," Ray added quickly. "Well, he doesn't seem to know about how evil I am so apparently so." Blake laughed, looking at Ray, expecting him to be also. "Why aren't you laughing? That was a good one." "Blake, you're a great person, okay? Please know that." "Why are you suddenly saying this?" "No reason. You just need to know it. You aren't some evil chick. You're hot like one, but that's a different story. You're a great person and I'm glad to have you as my best friend, as even part of my life."

Just before Blake could even think of a response, Ray's father returned, holding two large plastic cups filled with iced coffee. "It's on the house," he said as he handed the cups over to the couple. He then went under the bar and came back up with two strawberry doughnuts on napkins. "Don't worry, there's a box of them down there." He placed the doughnuts next to the coffee. "Thank you so much," Blake said, smiling up at him. "Oh, any time. Whenever you need a quick fix, you know where to find me." With that, he went to take care of the other customers.

"That went better than expected; he really likes you. Almost as much as me." Ray smiled and looked at the ground. "That was so cheesy. Oh well. You know me enough by now." "Maybe a little too much. Like your first crush on Madison Haribon in fourth grade." "Oh no, not that again." "Do you remember when you put a note in her desk telling her you liked her? And she thought it was Paul? That was horrible. But at least your crush broke a week later." "Yeah. Blake, I have to tell you something. But not here." "Where then?" "Finish your doughnut, then I'll take you there. I don't mind coffee spills, but I am not getting jam all over my seats."

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