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Belle threw her leg over the chair next to her, saving it for Blake. "Hey, good job on your speech." Belle turned to see Rosaline, a petite girl with poofy black hair. "Thank you, you did great too," Belle said back, careful not to stumble on any words. Rosaline was the lead of the preps, probably one of the most popular girls in the school. She wasn't exactly nice, but not exactly mean either. Rosaline bent down to Belle's ear. "Look, I don't have a problem with you. I actually like you, but other people don't. I would keep an eye out." Rosaline stepped away, smiled, and went to find her table.

"What was that all about?" Blake said, pushing Belle's foot gently off the seat. "Uh, nothing," Belle replied, her heart beat slightly fast. "Mhm, and my middle name is Trey and I have a brother named Lou. Spill." "She just said good luck with my speech, that's all." Belle looked around the cafeteria. She hated lying, especially to Blake, but it wasn't exactly a lie. Just not an exact truth. "Okay, whatever you say," Blake said, unzipping her lunch bag. "What did you bring today?" Belle inquired, glad for a subject change. "Celery and salad," Blake replied, not looking up from her bag. "Blake, we've been over this before. You can't just eat less than a thousand calories a day. It's not healthy." Blake looked up, her eyes showing no emotion. "That doesn't mean I need to gorge myself on cheeseburgers and greasy fries for lunch either." Belle looked at Blake in shock. They rarely snapped at each other like that.

"Okay, sorry," Belle said, opening her container of grapes. "Don't know what crawled up your butt today." "Maybe a giant scorpion did last night. Maybe that's why I can barely stay still today," Blake joked, obviously trying to make the situation better. "Yeah sure," Belle said, popping a grape in her mouth. "And I'm a Caribbean princess on the run from my grandparents because they have an arranged marriage with some ugly, pug looking man. " Blake smiled and hugged Belle. Belle hugged back, and stuck a few more grapes in her mouth.

"Well look at the West Crown's most beloved couple, eating lunch together and having PDA, just as usual." "Shut up, Ray," Belle said, letting go of Blake. "Sit down," she said, pointing to an empty chair in front of her. "If you insist," Ray said, running over to the other side of the table, his brunette hair bobbing up and down as he went. "So, what are you two going to be doing tonight, say around seven thirtyish?" he asked, setting his tray down and sitting in the chair. "We having nothing planned yet, why?" Belle answered for the two of them, knowing Blake wouldn't have made plans without telling her. "It's doughnut night at the coffee shop. Buy one large coffee, iced or hot, and get any doughnut of your choice free. I was wondering if you two would want to go with me, maybe meet my dad?" Ray's voice softened at the end, as if afraid to say it out loud. "Does he work at the coffee shop or something?" Blake countered, a smirk playing at her lips. "Yeah, he owns it. I'd buy the coffee, of course," he said, trying his best not to ruin anything. "Ray, we've known each other since third grade. I would love to meet your almighty father that you talk about oh so much," Blake said, holding out her hand to the frightened teenage boy. 

"Well, I'd have to ask my mum, but I'm sure she'd have no problem with it," Belle said, glancing out Blake's outstretched hand and looking away quickly. "Yes! Thank you guys!" Ray said, obviously relieved. "Hey, free coffee, and a free doughnut? Who would deny that?" Blake winked, and both her and Ray laughed. Belle looked in her lunch bag and grabbed out her phone. "I'll ask her right now," Belle said, already typing out the message. Blake was still looking at Ray, who was nibbling on a seemingly innocent slice of pizza. "You actually put that stuff in your mouth? Gross," she commented after he looked up. "How else am I supposed to eat it?" he said, looking bewildered. "I wouldn't touch it with a metal pole," she replied, putting a stick of celery in her mouth. "Says the vegetarian that probably weighs less than a football dummy," he retorted, smiling at her to show no harsh feelings.

Belle watching this unwillingly, as if it were some television show she couldn't help but watch. She jumped when her phone went off. "Mum said," she paused as she unlocked her phone to read the whole message, "that I can't because Daddy has a business meeting at eight and I need to meet his coworkers." Belle let out a small groan, looking at Blake. "I'm sorry, maybe next time." "Yeah, maybe next time," Blake and Ray said in unison. The pair broke down into manacle laughter, not paying any attention to Belle. Belle looked down at her phone and turned it off, then continued eating silently. All of lunch went by without Belle saying another word, and Blake and Ray acting like two school girls who haven't seen each other in months. 

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