"Thank you." I smile. "You're welcome. I look forward to working with you. Your car is in the garage. As soon as I tell them your number, it will be put on. And today's practice has been cancelled until tomorrow." He smiles.

"Okay. Thank you once again sir!" I say and shake his hand and leave the building.

I turn a corner and see JGR. Immediate guilt fills me.

"Well there she is! Our competition!" Denny yells. "Oh shut it Hamlin!" I laugh.

"Wow. The dark side has changed you." Kyle laughs. "It sure did. And it doesn't have cookies either." I laugh.

"Well that sucks." Denny laughs. "Wanna come to my RV with me?" I ask Kyle and Denny. They both agree and walk with me to it.

I get close and see that Brad is parked next to me. "Oh God. Could this day get any worse? Now he's next to me?" I say aggravated.

"He's threatened. It's okay." Kyle says. We walk past his trailer.

"Well well well. If it isn't JGR and the girl who broke away for publicity, and is on my team. It's not my fault you can't stay away from me.." Brad laughs.

"This wasn't my choice. Get your facts straight. Now, how about you just shut the fuck up, and have a nice day." I say to him. He doesn't respond. "Mother fucker." Kyle whispered, and we began to walk up the steps to my RV.

"What was that 18?!" Brad yells.
"Suck my ass! Oh and I have a name! It's Kyle! K-Y-L-E!" Kyle yells back and slams my door.

"I am more and more sorry for you every minute." Denny says. "Agreed!" Kyle said, eating a sandwich from my fridge.

"I wish I could go back to JGR." I say. "We do too!" Denny says. "Today when I went to go see Penske, of course he was there, and he was being crappy to me then too!" I say.

"Dumb ass is gonna pay." Kyle says. "Don't do anything too stupid." I say. "I know, I know." Kyle says.

"So you know what I got offered the other day?" I ask taking a bite of my sandwich.

"What?" Denny asks. "If I wanted to be a sign girl for a Motocross race." I laugh. Kyle and Denny start laughing too. "What did you say?" Kyle asks.

"I said if the only thing you think I am good at is holding a sign, then hell no. If I was gonna do it, I would be in the race." I say laughing, honestly.

"Exactly! You are so good at motocross. That's where you began." Denny says reminiscing on the past. "And dirt. Don't forget dirt." I say.

A few hours go by, and it's 9:30 pm. "Hate to ruin this fun night for y'all, but it's late and we have to have energy for the practice tomorrow. Scoot on out." I say to Kyle and Denny.

"Wow. Okay. Thanks for kicking us out J." Kyle says. Denny flips me off laughing. "Yeah, yeah. Fuck you too Dennis." I say.

They both laugh and leave. I lock my door, and go to my room and set my alarm for 7:30 am. Practice is at 10, so I will have time to chill. Okay. Sleep Jo.

*next morning.

I am awoken by the sound of screaming next door. I look out my window and see Brad and Kyle getting at it. I'm about to go insane on Brad. You DON'T mess with my brother.

I stomp outside and go up to Brad. "What the hell is going on!?" I yell, by this point Jimmie, Dale, and Kasey are outside watching. "This ass is gonna get what's coming to him." Kyle says with a fist.

"Hey screw you Busch!" Brad yells. "Yeah you know what?! Screw you Brad!" I yell and throw my fist back, about to punch him square in the jaw, but someone caught my fist.

I turn around, and Denny is there with a straight face. "Awe poor baby can't fight because her wittle best friend is there to protect her." Brad say like a kid.

"I swear to God you son of a-." Kyle says and someone comes out interrupting us. "Kyle and Brad! Settle down!" Joe Gibbs comes and breaks all of us up. "Jo, go get ready for practice. Kyle, and Brad, you too. I don't want to see behavior like this again." He says.

"Sorry sir." I say. "Sorry." Kyle says. "You ain't the boss of me." Brad says. "I can get the boss of you if you would like!" Joe says and Brad doesn't say anything and goes into his camper. Joe leaves.

"Denny, thanks for saving me a penalty." I say. "You're welcome Jo." He says.

I go back into my RV and take a shower, eat breakfast, and put on my fire suit.

I get into my #13 Frito lay car and start my engine. We all go out into the track. "Watch the outside. #2 coming on the left." Aaron says. "10-4." I reply.

I decide I am going to try and pass Jr. "Inside, outside, inside. Clear." Aaron says while I pass the 88.

"2 coming back for you." Aaron says. "Tell the 2 that just cause we are teammates doesn't mean I want to see more of him." I say. "2 said that you do want to see him to gain more experience." Aaron says laughing.

"Tell him that he is full of bull shit." I say. "I'm not gonna tell him, but I agree 100 percent Jo." Aaron laughs.

The top 5 for end of practice was
1.) Kyle Busch
2.) Jo McGuire
3.) Brad Keselowski
4.) Jimmie Johnson
5.) Kasey Kahne

I get out of my car and put my helmet on the hood.

Ugh. I walk down pit road, and see Brad. He is laughing with Joey. Yeah, keep laughing but it won't be for long. Everyone in JGR knows that I am the prankster.

I walk into the garage where they are. They don't even look at me. But to their surprise, there is a bucket above both of their heads attached to a rope that I am about to pull.

I pull the rope, and ice cold water drenches both of them, and they both scream.

They turn around, and see me holding a rope. "Jo! What the heck!" Joey yells, laughing also. "I'm the prankster around here. Get used to it." I smile. "You cocky little bitch." Brad says angrily.

"Dude, calm down. She was just messing with us." Joey says. "You're gonna get it." Brad says and walks out of the garage. I thought it was hilarious.

"Don't mind him. I want to be your friend. I think you're cool." Joey smiles. "Okay, sure. I don't have a problem with you. Only Brad." I say.

"Why do you guys even hate each other?" Joey asks. "He has a habit of forcefully wrecking me. In the car, and emotionally." I say. "That's deep." Joey says. "Yeah." I say. "Well if ya need anything, let me know." Joey smiles grabbing a towel. "Will do. Bye Joey!" I say and walk toward my RV.

I see Brad telling Penske about this. All Roger is doing is laughing.
He told me to fit in, here I am world.

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