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A/N: The idea for this story was also given to me by CandySmith74.
This one-shot will be told by Kristen and
TRIGGER WARNING: This story features some domestic abuse and it could be a trigger for some people. If you feel that it may be disturbing and would prefer not to read it, that is perfectly fine, I understand❤

I sat down on my couch and looked at my text messages.

"I'm coming to get you and you're going to leave him."

"You are mine and only mine. I'm finally out of jail so I'm coming to get you and I will make you love me."

"I'm am your boyfriend, do you understand? Not anyone else. Me. You are going to come with me and we are going to live together whether you want to or not."

I sighed. This was becoming tiring. Why had they even let him out of jail? He didn't deserve to be released. Especially not after what he'd done to me. I got up and made my way into bed with my new boyfriend, Jesse. Jesse was a total sweetheart. He cared about me and I knew he'd do whatever he needed to in order to protect me. I needed to tell him about Cameron.

"Jesse, wake up babe. I need to tell you something. It's kind of urgent." He sat up immediately. "What's wrong baby?" Hearing his voice calmed me down in an instant. "Do you remember Cameron?" A frown formed on his face and it was obvious what his answer would be. "Cameron? You mean that jerk of a boyfriend who mistreated you and abused you for many years?" Yep, he remembered. I nodded slowly. "That'd be the one." "What happened Kristen?" His teeth and fists were clenched. I showed him the messages. He flew up out of the bed and got dressed. "What are you doing Jesse?" I questioned. "If that Cameron thinks he's coming to get you without a fight, he's wrong." I shook my head and walked over to him. I pulled him into a big hug and breathed into his neck. "Please don't Jesse. I don't want you to get hurt." I hugged him tighter. "I won't."

He marched out of the room and into the living room. I followed him. "Jesse, Cameron shouldn't be here for another 20 minutes maybe. Can we spend some time together before you guys start something?" His fists slowly unclenched and I saw him calm down. "Of course baby, you deserve to be treated right, after what that horrible man has put you through." I nodded. "I do. And right now, I'd like to spend some alone time with the love of my life before he makes the huge mistake of fighting my ex." He laughed and pull me back into our bedroom before shutting the door.

After around 10 minutes, we emerged, happier and more in love. Jesse wrapped his arm around me and smiled. "I love you, Kristen." I blushed. "I love you too, Jesse."

Jesse walked over to our couch and I whipped out my phone. Looking down at it, I saw 5 new messages. All from Cameron.

"I just left, I'll be there in about 20 minutes. Be ready to leave."

"Kristen answer me! Be ready when I get there or I'll be angry. You don't want me to be angry, do you?"




I winced at his harsh words. They resonated deep inside of me. Suddenly, I had an idea. I switched to my keypad on my phone and quickly punched in 3 numbers.

"Hello, 911? Yes, I live at 444 Rue des Quatres and I have been receiving some threatening text messages from my abusive ex-boyfriend. He has said that he is coming to get me and he is going to take me away. My new boyfriend is saying that he is going to protect me but I'm afraid he is going to get severely hurt. Can you please come and help? And come quickly please!"

I hung up and went to find Jesse. "Jesse, Cameron will be here soon. Please, don't do this." Jesse shook his head. "I need to protect my girl. If Cameron thinks he can take you away and hurt you, he's insane." I laughed. "He is insane, babe, that's who he is." Jesse shrugged. "Point is, I'm not letting him hurt you." Suddenly, someone punched on the door and barged in. My heart sunk as I recognized the face.

It was the same face that haunted my dreams at night.

The same face that slapped me, punched me, kicked me, hurt me in more ways than imaginable.

It was the face that belonged to Cameron.

"Cameron." I spoke his name through gritted teeth.

"You're not ready?!? I TOLD YOU TO BE READY! WHY DO YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME?" He immediately started screaming and that was enough to get Jesse riled up.

They went at each other with flying fists and eventually, the fighting calmed. It didn't take me long to notice why. Jesse was on the ground, unconscious. I began to cry.

"Jesse no! Jesse you can't be unconscious! Please! Come back to me, help me! Don't leave me alone with him!" I begged and pleaded, but he didn't do anything.

Cameron took this as his chance to grab me by the hair and drag me out of the house. I fought back, only to feel pain going to my head as my hair was repeatedly tugged on. Then I heard voices.

"Cameron Pitz, leave the young lady alone." It was the cops! They quickly put him in handcuffs and the paramedics rushed into my house to collect Jesse. Cameron and the officers made their way to the station while I rode in the ambulance with an unconscious Jesse and 3 nurses.

"He'll be alright dearie." Said one nurse. And she was right. Almost 2 days later, Jesse was conscious and well, and we were back to doing our everyday things and living our normal lives. With Cameron back behind bars.

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