Fight Or Flight- 14

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There had been a malfunction in the engines.

There had been no fire, no smoke. The engines had just stuttered to a halt and the plane went down.

The landing gear had deployed too early, which had somehow created only just enough drag for the plane to crash without seriously harming either survivors.

The rest of the passengers were not so lucky.

This is what was publisised after the recovery of the black box's information.

The hounding press and reporters were all kept away from the two survivors as they were rushed to a Bahamian hospital, Detective Smoker made sure of it.

The two were assigned to different rooms, but the hospital staff were forced to relent and house the two together when Trafalgar Law's panic attacks became too much for the nurses to handle.

Their recovery was swift; all the serious injuries having long since been healed by the young surgeon. There was nothing that could be done for the scars on Eustass Kid's face, but that was fine. The ex-soldier wore them like a badge of honor.

Detective Smoker made sure the two men were out of the hospital and on their way back to Miami within two weeks.

Finally they could go home.


The stand-alone medical center loomed over Law's head menacingly.

He didn't understand why, though. Why did it seem so menacing? He had worked there for years. His brother was in that building, as were his colleagues and friends.

So why did the tattooed man feel such dread when he looked up at it?

A warm hand slipped into his, their fingers entwining.

"You can do this." Kid's soothing voice stated, gently squeezing his partner's hand.

Law took a deep breath and nodded.

Still holding Kid's hand, the tattooed surgeon walked through the medical center's double doors.

A green haired woman sat behind the reception desk, a pair of thick glasses hanging precariously on the tip of her nose as she tapped away on her computer.

"Do you have an appointment?" The woman questioned glancing for an instant up at the two before her copper eyes darted back to the screen.

Law's breath hitched slightly. Did he really look so different that someone he worked with for so long- a friend- could not even recognize him?

He took a step back in involuntary retreat, only to find himself pressed against Kid's hard chest. No escaping this, it seemed.

Law cleared his throat and stepped forward again. "Monet..." He breathed, his hands trembling slightly.

The woman looked up at the pair and her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

A bronze skinned redhead was squeezing the hand of a smaller, nearly African American looking man in a reassuring manor as the smaller man looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Monet." The smaller man said again. "It... It's me."

The green haired receptionist squinted, then pushed her glasses up on top of her head. Only then did she recognize the familiar features and tattoos that raced up the man's hands and arms.

Monet gasped and pressed her hands over her mouth as tears sprung into her eyes. "Law..!"

Rushing around the desk, the woman leapt into Law's arms, nearly knocking the poor man to the ground in the process. Kid managed to catch the two just in time, though.

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