Fight Or Flight- 13

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Trafalgar Law took a step back and stumbled into the waves, his entire body submerging.

"Oh, fuck!" Penguin hissed, throwing off his shoes and hat. "He can't swim!"

"At least wait until I stop the boat!" Heat shouted out as Penguin stepped up onto the edge.

A firm hand grabbed his arm, forcing Penguin back into the boat.

"Think about it!" Killer exclaimed, holding his new friend back. "That plane is at least a hundred yards from the shore! He must be able to swim at least a little bit!"

Penguin tried to shove the blonde off. "You don't get it! He gets these fucking panic attacks when his head is under! I have to get him!"

With a frown Killer grabbed Penguin's face firmly with one hand and turned his head to look at the island. "That doesn't look like a panic attack to me."

Penguin looked on with widened eyes as Law swam back to the beach as fast as he could and scrambled up the sand.

"What..?" Penguin breathed, calming down to the point where Killer felt he could let go. "Where is he going?"


Feelings of dread and joy were at war inside of Law.

The thought of going back to his old life when he had finally found his own slice of paradise terrified him, yet the prospect of seeing his family and friends again made him feel elated.

Law stumbled into the shelter, dripping wet and breathing heavily.

Kid shot up from their bed instantly, pulling Law into his arms and inspecting him all over.

"What is it?! What's wrong?!"

Kid desperately waited for answers as Law caught his breath.

The redhead's own breath hitched at the fear in those quicksilver eyes as Law looked up at him.

"There's a boat..."

Law was shaking as he pressed his forehead to Kid's chest and nearly wept. "There's a boat..."

Kid couldn't understand why the surgeon was crying, but he wrapped his arms around Law anyway.

"Hey, hey." He cooed lifting Law's chin and wiping away at the tears as they slipped from their hold. "A boat, that's good. That's great. We can go home."

Law shook his head and pressed his face further into Kid's chest.

"I don't want to go!" The raven haired man sobbed. "I wanted to stay here, with you, Kid! You are my home!"

Kid's heart swelled in his chest and after a moment he kissed the top of Law's head.

"We have to go, Law. I won't let them separate us, I swear."

Law nodded hesitantly and pulled away as he heard Penguin's voice calling out his name frantically.

"Is that..?" Kid trailed off as Law nodded. "Yeah... Penguin."

With a solemn grin, Kid wrapped his good arm around Law's shoulders.

"Then we shouldn't keep him waiting."


Penguin splashed down into the shallows and called out his best friend's name again, confused as to where he had gone.

A splash behind him informed Penguin that Killer had decided to join him, as Heat refused to leave the boat.

"Where is he, where is he?" Penguin hissed, impatiently trying to spot where Law could have disappeared.

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