Fight Or Flight- 4

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The empty, destroyed cabin of the plane was eerie as Kid waded through the water-logged interior.

As it turns out, Law couldn't swim, so it was up to Kid to scavenge the wreckage and pick it clean of any and all materials that could be used to help them survive.

The airplane seat cushions were an obvious first choice, as they could be used as flotation devices, as well as insulation and bedding.

Next came the little sealed snack packs that floated around everywhere, their contents untouched by the warm ocean waters.

While Kid did this, Law kept himself busy buy checking every piece of luggage for useful items as they washed up onto the beach.

A few hours later Kid came ashore, toting a plastic garbage bag behind him.

"Any luck?" Law questioned, glancing up from his work.

Kid shrugged. "Just a bunch of peanuts and potato chips. But hey, check this out!"

With a smile the redhead reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of antique aviator goggles. "Dove into the cockpit and found these. Neat huh? Oh, I found something for you too!"

Law waited patiently as Kid dug around in the bag once more before pulling out two more hats, one fuzzy and spotted, the other made of straw with a red sash wrapped around it.

Law raised an eyebrow and chose the fuzzy one, seeing as how his ears got cold during the night.

"So what do I do with this?" Kid mumbled, staring at the straw hat.

A pang of sorrow stabbed into Law's heart as he stared at the hat. "I saw the owner in the airport... Didn't recognize the kid without it the other night... Fifth row down, third from the left."

Kid paused, then looked up at the rows of graves further inland and his shoulders sagged. A kid?

Law couldn't watch as the redhead gently placed the hat on the assigned grave and weighed it down by the string. He just... couldn't watch.

Silently, he began sorting and organizing the luggage items again. The mindless task was just what he needed go get his mind off of the trembling of his hands and the poor boy in the ground.

"So what've you done?" Kid finally asked as he sat down next to the surgeon a few minutes later.

He raised an eyebrow at all the piles surrounding Law and picked up the nearest item.

"Tampons? Your saving tampons? Is there something you're not telling me, Mister Trafalgar?"

Law rolled his eyes, putting the box of feminine products back into its respective pile. "If they can stop a week's worth internal bleeding, then hell, they should be able to stop external bleeding too."

Kid tried to come up with a retort, but found that he couldn't argue with the doctor's logic and instead opted to look at the piles of stuff once more.

Soap, razors, medicine, candy, shoes, clothes...

Kid's gaze traveled over the all different types of pesonal items, but his eyes were draw back to something in the clothes pile and he grinned.

"Fur coat. Call it." He exclaimed triumphantly, holding up the black and maroon stained fur.

Law gave him an incredulous look. "It is at least neinty five degrees out with not a cloud in sight and you want a fur coat?" Kid just grinned, making Law sigh. "Have fun dying of heat stroke then."

Slinging the coat over his shoulder, Kid dove into the clothes pile once again.

"Geez, people have wierd tastes..." The redhead murmured, glancing up at Law.

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