Fight Or Flight- 6

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The telephone rang on the blonde man's desk, causing him to sigh and stop whatever it was he was working on.

"Hello?" He answered with a groan.

The man was tired. He had been kept awake for nearly a week straight with all his worries. He didn't need some nagging client now.

"Get your ass to the break room right now."

The voice on the other end of the phone ordered.

The blonde furrowed his brows in confusion. "What? What are you-"

"Trust me, Mr Donquixote," another, much calmer female voice stated. "You're going to want to see this."

The blonde stayed still for a moment before standing and rushing from his office, through the halls of the medical center, and into the employee break room.

Nearly all of his staff were sitting around the snack tables, staring up at the television and listening to the news report coming from it with rapt attention.

A pale woman with dyed green hair and glasses atop her head waved the blonde over to an empty seat next to her.

"What's going on?" The blonde questioned as he sat, his eyes already glued to the screen.

"Just watch." The woman nearly whispered as someone else turned the volume up.

"Our top story tonight, Grand Line Airways flight 1123 on its way to London from Miami has still been deemed missing." The anchor woman stated.

The blond man felt his stomach drop.

"1123... That- that was Law's flight, wasn't it?"

He was met with grim faces as an answer.

"It is believed that the plane went down early on its flight path, somewhere near the Bahamas, though it is hard to say as rescuers still have yet to find the plane."

"She never said it crashed, though!" The blonde man yelled, jumping up and glancing at all his employees. "She never said-"

"Mr Donquixote..." The green haired woman breathed. "Airplanes don't just... dissappear."

The blonde man stood to his full height and looked at all the faces giving him sympathetic or pitying looks. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

"She never said..."

The man stumbled back into his chair and brought his hands up to cling to the sides of his head.

"She never-

He was cut off by a slap to the face.

Everyone stared in shock at the long legged blonde boy that just slapped their boss.

"Dellinger!" The green haired woman exclaimed.

"You can't keep babying him, Monet!" The boy shouted back.

He turned back to his boss with a scowl on his face. "Look here, Rocinante. You're gonna have to accept the facts. The plane went down. That's it! End of story! If by some miracle Law actually is still alive, then he must have been rescued by some fucking superman, or something."


Eusatss Kid smirked. "Superman."

"What? No, Batman for sure."

"Are you kidding me? Batman's just some rich kid with a hero complex and parent issues. Superman would win for sure."

Law groaned. "You're forgetting that Batman has unlimited resources, the mind of a genius, and a plan on how to take down anyone in the Justice League, including Superman."

Kid scoffed. "That doesn't change the fact that Batman is still just a human. Superman is an awesome Kryptonian alien dude who's invincible on earth-"

"And yet his greatest weakness is a glowing green rock."

"Alright, you know what? I-"

Law held up a hand, cutting Kid off.

"Let's just agree that Deadpool would somehow find a way to win against both of them."

"Deadpool isn't even in the same universe."

"Kid, it's Deadpool."


Both men stayed silent for a few more seconds before bursting out into fits of quiet chuckles.

"You know, I never would have pegged you for a comic book guy." Kid smirked, leaning back on his elbows in the sand and glancing up at Law.

The surgeon shrugged, wrapping his arms around his legs and looking out over the sea. "I had a boyfriend once who loved them. Made me read every issue he had... I broke up with him a few months later. Found out he had been cheating on me with a slutty Wonder Woman from ComiCon."

Kid hissed. "Owch."

Law chuckled. "And just when I had started to like Wonder Woman too... The character, not the slut, mind you."

The tattooed man chuckled again and looked down at Kid. "So what about you? Any terrible breakups?"

The redhead sighed and raised his arms up over his head, stretching out on the hot sand.

"The only serious thing I ever had was with this one girl in high school. Right before my deployment Killer threw me a party and I managed to fuck up the relationship by sleeping with some random dude. But she slept with some chick, so it's cool."

Law furrowed his brows. "Oh..." He muttered, then his brows raised and his eyes widened as realization donned on him. "Ohh. So you're..."


"Ah." The tattooed man paused for a moment before snorting. "So what turns you on more? Cast iron or stainless steel?"

Kid let out a sarcastic laugh, and pushed Law playfully down into the sand. "No. It means I can fuck anyone." Law raised an eyebrow and Kid huffed. "Well, it's not the dictionary definition, but that's what it means to me anyway."

The two stayed silent after that, Kid staring up at the seagulls flying above them and Law contemplating this new development.

Kid wasn't completely straight. The thought made Law blush ever so slightly.

He would admit that the redhead was handsome. Very much so, actually, but Law wasn't there to get laid- no matter how long it's been.

"So, anyone waiting for you back at home?" Kid's deep voice broke into Law's thoughts.

"My adoptive brother Rocinante, maybe. And maybe Penguin and my dog Bepo. You?" Law replied after a brief pause.

Kid thought about it for a moment. "Killer, yeah. Maybe my cousin Bonney, but probably not. Bitch's probably gonna be stuffing her face when we get back. How the fuck she's not fat, I have no idea."

Law laughed, but the more he thought about it, the more he recognized the name. "Bonney... Bonney... Jewelry Bonney? Pink hair, piercing under her eye?"

Kid's nonexistent eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You know her?"

Law nodded with a chuckle. "She came in a few years ago and made me staple her stomach so she could lose weight and wouldn't get fat."

Kid's eyes were wide as took in the information, then he burst out into a fit of nearly maniacal laughter. "And here I was thinking she was secretly getting liposuction all this time!"

Both men laughed at that and kept laughing at each others stories through the rest of the night until they both passed out on the beach, lulled to sleep by the rush of the waves and the comfort found in each others' company.

Neither of them heard the rescue helicopter that passed overhead, oblivious to the tiny island in the large sea.

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