Fight Or Flight- 8

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"It's been five weeks, what the hell do you mean you still haven't found them?!"

The outburst was just one of many that bombarded the blonde's sensitive ears.

Miami International Airport was filled with hundreds of people desperate for answers on the missing flight's status, as well as important people ranging from the police to the coast guard, to those from the National Transportation Safety Board

Beside the man stood an older looking couple frustratedly shouting to a police officer.

"My son, Chopper was on that flight!" The old woman exclaimed "It was his first time flying alone! You really expect to tell us that you still can't find them?!"

The blonde man looked away from them and turned his gaze to the group sitting on the opposite side of him.

It was a group of lovely female flight attendants, all seeming to be mourning the loss of two of their own, some people named Nami and Robin.

Across the way a beautiful Hispanic woman with wavy black hair, crying about her fiancé, Sanji, was being consoled by a pale blonde girl who's boyfriend, Ussop, had also been on the flight.

Up and center near the front of the crowd was another blonde man shouting about his brother, Law, and a blue haired man also on about his brother, a man named Franky.

It was so strange the things you learn when you just stop and listen.

Beside the other blonde man, was a man with a hat shaped like a penguin. Unlike his companion, though, the penguin man was calmly glancing around until his shaded eyes caught onto the ones of the blonde observer, mostly hidden by long bangs.

The two stared at each other for a moment before the penguin man began weaving through the crouds to get to him.

With a sigh, the penguin man slumped down into the seat directly next to the blonde.

After a few minutes of silence from the two, the penguin man reached out a hand to the blonde. "I'm Penguin."

The blonde hesitated a moment before grabbing the outstretched limb and shaking it. "Killer."

Penguin sighed again and stretched out in his seat, folding his arms behind his head. "Who's it for you?"

Killer glanced down at his feet before speaking. "My best friend, Kid... But he's strong. I know that he's still alive."

Penguin smirked. "It's the same with me and my best friend, Law. He somehow manages to worm his way out of any sticky situation he comes up against, lucky bastard!" He let out a laugh and Killer found himself smiling along with him.

Just as the two began talking, Killer's phone went off in the back pocket of his jeans and the long haired blonde answered it immediately.

Penguin stared at Killer intently as the blonde spoke to whoever it was that called him.

He would be pretty handsome if only he cut his bangs away from his face, and his voice was pretty nice too, but, unlike his best friend, Penguin was pretty sure that he was straight.

Killer hung up the phone and just sat there for a moment, staring out into space.

"Who was that?" Penguin questioned, trying to coax a response from the man.

Killer was silent for a moment longer before responding, his voice wavering a bit. "M-My friend, Heat. He lives on Andros Island, in the Bahamas... Part of an airplane engine just washed up onto his beach."

Penguin's eyes widened and the older couple behind him stopped shouting as they overheard what Killer had to say.

A hand delicately rested on his arm, and Killer turned to see one of the flight attendants, a woman with electric blue hair pulled into a tight ponytail at the top of her head, staring up at him with watery blue eyes. "What did you just say?"

Killer repeated himself and this time the Hispanic woman rushed over to hear the news, followed by a few others before most of the crowd began to swarm to the blonde.

"Hey, back it up!" Penguin shouted over the screaming crowds, trying to create space for his new acquaintance to breathe.

A gruff looking man with slicked back greying hair and scars along his face pushed his way to the front of the crowd and glared down at both Killer and Penguin, pulling an ID out from his jacket pocket.

"I'm Detective Smoker from the National Transportation Safety Board. I'm going to have to ask you two to come with me."

Both men's eyes widened as they were suddenly surrounded by officers and led away from the crowd.

Rocinante stared after his brother's friend as he was led away, his heart sinking into his shoes.

Just what the hell was happening?


"We didn't want to make a scene just yet, but thanks to you two the truth is out." Detective Smoker growled, pacing before the two men he had pulled from the hysteria.

Penguin and Killer shared a brief, questioning look before staring up at Detective Smoker once more from their seats.

"There have been calls coming in all day from multiple islands in the Bahamas. People have been starting to find airplane parts all over since Monday. But because of how scattered the parts are, we can't seem to pinpoint the exact location of the crash." The detective sighed and ran his fingers through his slicked back hair.

"We wanted to keep the panic to a minimum, but now it seems that word will start getting out. It's possible that people will start trying to find the crash on their own." It was another NTSB agent that spoke this time, a petite woman with pulled up black hair and red rimmed glasses. "We brought you two here for your own safety more than anything else, but technically you can leave whenever you want."

Detective Smoker growled at his colleague, but said nothing to contradict her statement.

Killer stood from his seat and said a quick 'thank you', but as he went to leave a hand caught his arm, holding him back.

"Just one thing before we go." Penguin said with an exadurated smile, pulling Killer to his side. "How much would two tickets to the Bahamas cost?"

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