Elsie Henderson[5]

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What can I say? I couldn't wait until I got 5 votes! I had to write!


I walked to my locker,and looked up and down the hall because I heard whispers lurking around. Apparently I have already made a name for myself. I shut my locker, and there stood a tall, muscular, beach blonde football player. I'm guessing it was Cody.

"Hello, Princess."

"Hello, Cody. What was all that in the cafeteria about?"

"Oh, just a thing we do to hot, new students." Cody said with a smirk on his face. I could see where this was going.

"Look, I bet you're a nice guy, deep, deep, inside, but I don't really want to.." I was interrupted by a tall, slender, beautiful red head.

"Uh,what are you?"

"I am a person, and my name is Elsie."

"Yeah, well whatever your name is, stay AWAY from my Codykins." she said with a giggle and facing her powdery face towards Cody.

"Yeah, stay away from me! Freak!" Cody yelled as he winked and walked away with the red head's hand in his.

What the heck? I thought. He was hitting on me! Stares were coming right and left.

"Hey, I'm Andy." A sweet voice said behind me. I turned around to see a pretty brunette with hair down to her back.

"I'm Elsie." I said back, smiling.

"Were you actually hitting on Cody?" Oh, great. Now I'm getting accusations.

"No! He came up to me! He was hitting on me!" I said, practically yelling.

"Oh, I wasn't accusing you! He did that to me too." She said with a high-five. I high-fived back.

"Yeah, I think he does it with all the hot, new girls."

"So I'm told.." I mumbled.

"Uh,so what do you have next?"

"I have um..." looking at my schedule with furrowed eyebrows, "biology."

"Really? I do too! We can sit next to each other!" she said as she pulled my arm towards the class. She was a fast walker.

Once we reached the classroom, I took a seat right next to Andy.

"So, do you like any boys yet?" Andy asked.

"Well, I don't know..I think. Did you just have lunch?"

"Yeah, oh! You're the girl that Cody was harassing!" She said, suddenly recalling my "15 seconds of fame."

"Yeah, um, that was me." I said, totally embarrassed.

"You were.. um.. great! I mean, you didn't say anything, but then kicked Cody in the nuts and walked out! My mouth dropped open when you walked out! But anyways, do you like anyone?"

"Well, I guess I like the guy that tried to "save" me," I saw her eyes widen.

"You like Colton?"


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Elsie HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now