Elsie Henderson[1]

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This is a slow story,just bare with me(: thanks,vote,comment,and become a fan,please(:

That morning was the worst ever. Mom and I yelled, my sister and I bickered, and my dad was in his own little world, trying to get in some Mafia Wars in before he rushed out the door. Everyone was gone, to start the day. They all car-pooled, as we only had one car because my mom was in a car accident a month earlier.

I was waiting for the bus patiently. I felt peace, then a sudden tinge of pain, not like hurt, but like a tearing of my heart. I thought it would pass, and it did. But later that day, I would know.

I didn't have the feeling at all the rest of the day. It was like a meteor, one second there, another second passed, and it was gone. Which was good, because then I could keep my focus on school. Neither one of my parents has gone to college, so I'd be the first Hart to go. And later I would find that I would be the only Hart to ever go to college.

The classes passed slowly, dreary as always. I have to get more friends, I thought.

I am a shy, smart, nerdy type. Don't really talk to anyone; just keep my eyes on school. It's not a bad thing, so I'm told.

Usually, when I had fought with my mom in the morning, by the time I was back from school, she'd have a smile on her face and ask me how my day was. I had taken that for granted. No matter how the morning was, she would always be there, smiling, as if nothing had ever happened. Today was different.

I got off the bus and shuffled to the door, key in hand. My aunt was sitting on the couch, no sister or mom in sight.

"Hello, baby. Um, come and sit." Aunt Suzanne said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Well, this morning, something tragic happened."

"This morning, your mother and father were fighting and got distracted, then ran a red light." She said.

"Are they okay?" I asked, more terrified and my voice more shaky than ever.

"They all died," she said, barely audible, looking down at her shoes.

"They died." It wasn't a question. All the anger, sadness, and tears were building up. I didn't know how to take this. I had just lost my family. My sister. My Mom. My Dad. Do they know I love them? The last thing I said to my mom was "Mom, just leave me alone." The words rang in my head like church bells. Over and over again. That morning I told my sister that she was annoying and to that she was adopted. I felt so bad.

"You will be living with me, in Connecticut."

"Okay," that was all I had to say. There was nothing to say.

"Is there anything you would like in this house? I have already packed your bags." Aunt Suzanne said, very formal.

"Yeah, give me a sec?"

"Yes, of course."

I think she would understand if I buried my head in my pillow, but it was already packed.

Elsie HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now