The unwelcome meeting

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Spiderman pov:

We swung by the abandoned district when my spidy senses went off. My nose smelt smoke and that only meant one thing. Somethings on fire. After searching for a few minutes we landed on a building across from the burning building.

"Iron spider, see how many people are in there." He pulled up his halo screen. He started typing but was interrupted by a smashing sound. We see a cloaked figure lead eight people out and over onto the other side of the street. The dark person flew up into the second floor.

"We should go in there." Said venom. I held up my hand signaling for him to stop.

"Let's wait and see what happens." I said walking to the edge of the roof. Venom didn't question my judgement and stared back at the window the person flew through. The roof came down and I was starting to regret my decision to wait. That's when the cloaked figure flew out covering up what I assumed were to last people in there. I looked to iron spider and he gave me the all clear sign.

"Okay I'll go see our new hero while you two check up on the fire victims." They nodded in agreement and we swung down to greet the figure.

Y/n pov:

Of course they would be here but why didn't they help me save the people trapped inside? I looked at them as they walk over to me just staring. Spiderman was the first to speak while the other two checked on the fire victims.

"I see you saved all these people. As you probably know I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman and these are my friends agent venom and iron spider. Who might you be?" He asked. I just stared at him not answering. He got nerves as he began to rub the back of his neck muttering words under his breath. With my heightened hearing I know he said, not much of a talker.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but we have an injured person." Venom said waving us over. He kneeled over by a woman who was bleeding out of her leg. She had scorch marks around the open cut. Venom went to pick her up but the pain was to great for her to move. Everyone looked around to each other trying to find an answer. I leaned down by her leg and put my hands hovering over it.

"Venom hold her hand. This is going to hurt a bit at first. Please just bare with it." I said. Venom looked confused but held her left hand in both his. A f/c glowing mist traveled from my hand and into her wounded leg. I could hear her cringe at the mist hitting her skin. She squeezed venoms hand and she just looked away from her body staring at the wall near her. Some in the crowd looked away and some looked right at her blood. Iron spider had a halo screen up and I could tell he was checking her vitals. Spiderman stared at my hands as they began to heal her. She had fractured her bone in three spots so I healed those first and got to healing her blood vains. I finished up by closing her wound up nicely. When the mist retracted back into my hands she leaned up and hugged me very tightly might I add. The crowd erupted in a roar of cheers and clapping hands. Iron spider looked astonished at what he was reading. Venom and Spiderman soon joined in his amazement then staring at me.

Spiderman pov:

I was surprised to say the least when I heard a woman's voice speak out of the hood covering all of her face. Sirens blared in the distance as firetrucks and an ambulance raced down the road. I looked at the hidden girl. She began to walk away when I grabbed her arm.

"Could we talk with you for a minute please miss?" She stared at me sighing reluctant to come with. We webbed and flew back up to the top of the building we were on earlier. We all looked at her trying to figure out just what she was. I guess we were staring to long because she then crossed her arms.

"What?" She asked. I snapped out of it quickly getting in leader mode.

"I saw what you did back there. You were pretty good at being the hero. Have you ever thought about become a professional hero?" She quickly said no to that.

"Why not? It felt good to save those people back there didn't it? You do want to save people right?" I asked her.

Y/n pov:

This guy just doesn't know when to give up and this is my first time talking to him. I just shook my head.

"You don't have to be a professional to save people. I just saved them using my powers. You don't need to be super or ultimate to he a hero." I said with no emotion. Spiderman walked over and handed me a blue card.

"It's a shield recruitment card. If your ever in any trouble or wanna join other fellow heroes in training just call that number." He and his friends webbed away off to look for more criminals to punish. I threw the card on the ground once they were out of sight. I was about to leave when I heard a man's voice and footsteps behind me.

"The least you could do is keep the card." He said. I turned to see the one man on earth I never wanted to see. Today just isn't my day.

"Nick Furry." I said staring dead in his eye. He walked up to me putting the card back in my hand.

"If you don't mind I would like very much to talk with you. I heard Spiderman try and convince you but I think I can offer some details to your hero plans. If you would follow me." He said. A shield helicopter hovered above us lowering down a ladder. I didn't have much of a choice by now. I would going to hear him say whatever he was gonna say and then leave. It was either that or have him hunt me down. It would be a lot easier than him findings out who I was and where I lived. I flew next to the helicopter as we flew to the famous Helicarrier. There we landed and he lead me into a meeting room. Though it wasn't empty. There was Ironman, Caption America, Black Widow, Thor, Hawkeye, and a man in a lab coat which I could only assume was the human form of the Hulk. One agent named Coulson standing to the side in the front the room. Everyone eyed me with blank stares. I knew it was a bad idea to just 'talk' with Furry. He never just 'talks' to anyone. I looked at each person. Furry patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry I told them to behave with you as our guest." He said.

"I'm not worried I'm just questioning why I'm here with them." I said not bothering to look away from the group. Nick walked me to the front of the room by agent Coulson.

"Avengers meet your new part time team mate." Everyone yelled what almost in unison including me. I'm being punked right?

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