First mission

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The spies left to enter the once abandoned island. The rest of us stayed in the transporter keeping an eye on them and recording what they find. I on the other hand was looking to see what all they had on me and the shadows. Nothing came up on both hydra's or shield's mainframe other than the video of me in the fire today. I'll leave it for now so I don't raise suspicions.

"Hey Shadow." Bruce said walking to me. I looked at him as he sat down. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing good."

"That's nice. I'm sorry for Tony. He can be a real douche sometimes. I know what you're going to say. How it's not my fault but I feel you should at least get a sorry for his behavior. Natasha already told me about your conversation before." I nodded and his head leaned to one side. "Shadow, I can tell you're not a real social person and if I had to guess you've never really been around others like us." He wasn't wrong about that. I never have been a talkative person even at Aunt May's house I didn't talk with anyone unless spoken to.

"Yeah, I move a lot so I don't have time to keep up with people. It's not like I'm going to see them again so what's the point really." He gave me a sad expression and hugged me tightly. When I looked over his shoulder I saw everyone looking over at me with the same looks. What I didn't know when we were talking was that his ear piece had captured our entire conversation. I should have known sooner. Bruce let go and held one of my hands in both of his.

"Now that you have us here you can have friends." He said. I slipped my hand out of his grasp and was about to say something when someone yelled over the coms set even loud enough for me to hear. It was Spiderman. He was yelling and webbing his way out of the door along with the others and some Hydra henchmen.

"What did you do this time?!" Tony yelled at the halo screen.

"Believe it or not Hawkeye was the one who started it." Natasha said through the coms.

"Hey, it's not my fault they can't take a hint and learn to stay unconscious." He said shooting bows behind him. More and more people with guns ran through the doors.

"Now is a good time to retreat." Steve said.

"Sorry Cap but we're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place right now." Spiderman said. Bruce turned to me while everyone watched the screen.

"Time to see what your made of Shadow." He said. I nodded and moved closer towards the screen. Everyone backed up giving me some room. I projected a bubble around everyone out there.

"What the?" Hawkeye said. Bruce got closer and saw they were covered in bubbles.

"Shadow's covering all of you so make your way back to the transporter." He said. They all ran back and made there way to the hatch. Once everyone was in I dropped the bubbles and they all began to cheer. Natasha hugged me while the others patted me on the shoulder or head. Me not being the touchy type just stood there waiting for it to end. Tony went to high five Spiderman when pain shot up through his arm and had to leave him hanging. I noticed and walked over to him.

"Are you hurt?" I asked. Spiderman looked rather surprised I saw him at all.

"No, I'm just f- OWW!" He said when I poked him in the arm. Clearly not fine. I took his hand and led him to a seat sitting beside him. I hovered my hands around his upper arm where a huge slash mark was with blood coming out. It wasn't coming out fast but it still needed to be taken care of. A f/c mist surrounded that area of his skin closing the hole up nicely. Tony, Steve, and Bruce examined the spot when I was done. Natasha and Clint on the other had smirked and looked at me as I got up. Clint got in the pilot seat and took off heading back to shield. It was a better flight back with everyone talking to someone else other than me. I looked at the others examining their health while seated. The rest looked okay health wise. When we got back we told Furry what happened before leaving. I walked out when Natasha followed me outside.

"Shadow wait." She called out. I turned looking at her. She pulled out a card with some handwriting on it and handed it to me. "If you ever want to hang out or wanna talk that's my number over at the Avengers tower. If you don't call soon then I'll have to hunt you down. Talk to you later." She said making the call hand sign walking away. I put it in my pocket and flew down into the same empty alleyway from before. I snapped my fingers and the cloak was off. I walked the rest of the way home knowing my plans to train today had been shot with the sun now setting. Today had been a long one with the fire, Spiderman and his friends, Furry, the Avengers, and the mission. Now all I could think about was making some food and going to sleep. When I got home I unpacked my bag and took a nice shower. When I was done I looked through the pockets of my jeans and grabbed two cards. One for shield and one for Natasha. In one day I had ran into everyone I didn't want to see. This was going to be a long summer and maybe even a longer school year if this continues. Now I had to be more careful than ever with shield knowing of my existence now. Yeah, this is going to suck.

A spider finds his Shadow- spiderman x hero readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora