Forgetting the old

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Natasha pov:

It was a little after ten in the morning when I woke up. That fight kept up all up to late. The others were probably waking up about now too. I made my way out of the room to the kitchen. There I saw Steve and Bruce drinking coffee both staring into the living room. I poured some coffee myself and went to see what they were eyeing so intensely. I walked by the wall they were both leaning on catching a sweet sight. Peter was still in his costume and had y/n held closely to his chest with two arms. Y/n's had an arm draped around Peter and her other hand was laying under her head. Y/n lost her cloak and was in a f/c t-shirt and some pants. It was too cute! I turned to the guys.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked them. Steve shrugged taking a sip.

"I'm gonna say since we got home." He said then turned back to them. After admiring their young love Steve broke the silence.

"Huh?" He said. We both turned to him wondering what. "Who would have guessed this? Our little Peter has a girlfriend that we all work with. Not to mention he just saved y/n from her enemy. That is true love right there."

"Yeah, for superheroes." Hawkeye says scratching his messy hair. They all chuckle softly trying not to wake them up. He grabs a pop-tart and joins the group. When he finally sees them he nearly looses the pop-tart hanging out his mouth. "Dang, I knew Shadow had some looks but she looks good." I smacked him over the head for that comment. He rubbed his head apologizing. Before we knew it the others soon joined in on the sight to behold. About five minutes later Thor made his way in and we told him not to say a word. Knowing his normal voice was loud enough we dared not try his whispering skills. He just smiled and nodded in approval of them. Seven minutes later Tony walked it scratching his stomach and drinking some coffee as well. When he saw he nearly spit out his sip of coffee.

"Shadow is gorgeous. I guess spiderboy is gonna become a real Spiderman before long." I punched Tony in the arm. He fell to the ground hissing out his pain. That was bad though. We heard rustling and saw Peter lift up an arm to stretch. I hit Tony again and walked over to greet the awaken one. Peter rubbed his eyes and saw me walk over. The others followed lightly.

Peter pov:

I heard a hissing sound when I woke up. I stretched out my arms but could only lift one up. I looked first to where that sound came from. I saw Natasha walking over and Tony being helped off the floor. The others made their way over quietly. Then I looked down and saw my girlfriend lying on my chest. Yes, my girlfriend who has powers and fights crime like me. The girl who loves me and I love with all my heart. Her h/l h/c was spread around wildly around her face. I used my free arm to brush her hair out of her face. She made a soft sound and slowly opened her eyes. They were the same stunning e/c color I loved to see. She looked up and saw me staring down at her. She smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and it was a perfect moment. That is until some of the others behind her went 'awww'. She turned to them and was a little surprised to see them all staring at us. We both suddenly felt embarrassed and sat up straight. Nat went over and hugged y/n without warning. I guess since Natasha always surprise hugged Shadow y/n was pretty use to it and hugged back. I stood up and the guys walked around ruffling my hair or play hitting me. Then Tony said something.

"I guess it will take a while longer for Peter with his shyness." I stopped confused and the girls looked over hearing him.

"What about me being shy?" I asked him. He got a grin and answered me.

"I was telling the others about how it wouldn't be long before our little spiderboy turns into a Spiderman."

"Stark!!!" Natasha yelled at him. I turned to y/n and I knew we were both blushing. We looked away from each other. I turned to Tony yelling at him with Nat but y/n just started to laugh. I turned to her once I could hear her.

Y/n pov:

I laughed. Not at what Tony said but rather at what my life is like now. Natasha and Peter were yelling at him like he was a child. A family dispute. A family that I can proudly say I am apart of. The one thing I never had was now mine. Aunt May was like a mother. The Avengers were like brothers and a sister to me. Then Peter as a loving and caring boyfriend. These people are in my life for better or worse and I love it. I love all of them. Before long the others joined in on my laughter. I think they soon understood why I was laughing. They each slowly realized and hugged me. They are my family and I theirs.

After our little outburst me and Peter went home to see Aunt May and tell her about everything I was hiding. She was shocked but relived when she knew the whole story. Joe and Flash were their too. I told them about it too and they told me about them being Iron Spider and Venom. After that I went on patrol with them through the city. Before long everyone knew about me as the new crime fighting vigilant, Shadow. It was fun having all these new people to hang out with. I never went to the heroes academy though. They couldn't really teach me anything I didn't already know. Before we knew it summer was over and twelfth grade was beginning. I was the new girl to the others students but I had my two boys Joe and Flash to protect me. I also had my boyfriend to protect me from other boys. I was nice and friendly with my classmates though none of them bothered to be real about themselves so it was all really small talk. Though I made two more friends. Peter's other normal friends Mary Jane or MJ and Harry Osborn. They were cool with me but a bit mad at Peter for not telling them about me. It was funny and over all a good first day of school.

Though after school was when the four of us would head to work. Peter and Flash raced to see who would make it to the tricarrier faster while Joe and me flew behind them. We made our way up with Peter wining as always because Flash would get distracted so easily. We made our way to Furry and we got a mission to find Doc Ock's lab.

"Yes sir." We said and ran out to the sky. Yeah, I have an awesome life. This is my home. My permanent home.

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