Peter's girlfriend

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I shivered as I walked around Shield Headquarters trying to find Furry's office. It must be cold in here today. Furry messaged me in and told me to see him in his office. I felt like I was in school and was being sent to the principles. Question was for something good or bad. I had walked down five corridors unable to find it. Though I did see a spider and his friends. I waved over once Natasha saw me. She smiled and hugged me as usual. I was starting to get use to her hug greetings. She was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"You're never going to guess what happened last night. Okay well we came here for another mission. On our way walking to see Furry we ran into Peter and he was super happy smiling and laughing with his friends Iron Spider and Venom."

"Okay that seems normal to me but go on." I said.

"Okay. He was happier than usual and you're never going to guess why." I already knew why but I'll let her tell me anyway. "Peter got a girlfriend last night. Isn't that amazing. Our little spider is growing up so fast. Fighting crime and now his first girlfriend." Wait, I was his first girlfriend? I would think a guy like Peter would have had at least a few more girlfriends in his life.

"His first girlfriend?" I question. She shook her head up and down vigorously.

"Yes. He has always been a shy boy but now he's not scared of having someone that close to him. I can't wait to meet her. I wonder when he will tell her he's Spiderman and when he will be comfortable enough to bring her around us. The only thing I'm worried about is when Tony meets her." She started going on and on about other questions so I put my hand over her mouth shuting her up. She stopped and stared to me looking for a reason why.

"For now just be happy he has one and worry about the other stuff when it happens. I'm sure you'll  know what to do when they do happen. You're acting like a mother right now. Act like a friend or a sister who is happy for him." I say. She nods and I take my hand away from her mouth. We began to walk around and find the others.

"Wow. Thanks Shadow. I didn't know you were so wise in your young age. I guess now you're off the hook too."

"What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.

"Tony and the guys had a bet to see who could get you and him to start dating."

"Don't those guys have anything else better to do in their spare time other than fail at trying to play match maker?" She began to laugh and I smirked under my hood. We heard someone whistle ahead of us. It was Hawkeye getting our attention. We make our way over and Natasha was still laughing at my comment earlier.

"I know it was funny but I didn't think I would have you laughing this much Natasha." I said as she held her stomach trying to stop. Everyone else was there including Spiderman. They all looked confused at us.

"What's so funny and why wasn't I the one telling it." Hawkeye said. That seemed to help Natasha stop laughing and she catches her breath.

"I told Shadow how you guys had a bet to set her up with Spiddy here. She said and I quote, 'Don't those guys have anything else better to do in their spare time other than fail at trying to play match maker?'." She said bursting out in a laughing fit again. The others got nervous and I could tell Spiderman didn't know about their bet either.

"You guys did what?!" Spiderman yelled at them.

"Well, let's face it Peter. You weren't getting any younger and when Shadow said she was around your age." Hawkeye started.

"We thought you could at least hook up with her so you could get some experience in." Tony finished for him. I shook my head as I walked over to the two. I smaked them both on the heads in disappointment.

"You really thought Peter couldn't get a girl on his own? That shows how much faith you have in the boy." I said to them. Then I turned to the other three. Bruce, Steve, and Thor. "Did you three also have something to do with this?" I asked them. They got nervous and I knew I had my answer.

"Even you Cap?" Spiderman asked.

"I though you could use some help." He said.

"We I'm disappointed in all you boys. You thought he couldn't do it himself. Well I guess jokes on you five. Peter got a girlfriend all on his own. Just like a big boy should." I say the last part to tease Peter.

"Hey! But you're right. I did prove you guys wrong." Natasha came over and put an arm around Peter.

"The important thing is that you got a girlfriend. We're all very proud of you. Now onto a more important note. When do we get to see her?" Natasha said smirking at Peter. The others moved in closer wanting to hear the answer too.

"Well, uh.."  The doors behind us open up.

"Nice to see you all here on time. Let's get on to the mission at hand shall we?" Furry said signaling us to follow him. We filled in and took our seats. "Okay. Today we have intel that Hydra is going to attack soon based off of an island only a few miles from here. Your job is to stop them and destroy their base. The layouts of their base are unknown. You will be going in blind. Stay cautious and stay on the look out. That is all." He said and left the room. As we walked out Furry was waiting by the door and stopped me. The others didn't seem to notice though. "I want to see you back here when this is over." He said. I shrugged it off and walked back to the others.

"Ready to go?" Hawkeye said as we buckled up. We all said yes and we took off. It wasn't long until we were there. Only a few minutes in fact. As we landed it wasn't long for our arrival to be noticed. Hydra goons came up from their hiding places and attacked us with laser guns. This wasn't going to end well. I already knew that.

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